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There are 13 five-letter words containing I, L, M and U

AUMILaumil n. Synonym of amildar.
AUMIL n. a factor or manager in India, a collector of revenues.
FILUMfilum n. (Anatomy) a filamentous anatomical structure.
FILUM n. (Latin) a threadlike anatomical structure.
HILUMhilum n. (Botany) The eye of a bean or other seed; the mark or scar at the point of attachment of an ovule or…
hilum n. (Botany) The nucleus of a starch grain.
hilum n. (Anatomy) A depression or fissure through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave a gland…
ILEUMileum n. (Anatomy) The last, and usually the longest, division of the small intestine; the part between the jejunum…
ILEUM n. (Latin) a part of the small intestine.
ILIUMilium n. (Anatomy) The upper and widest of the three bones that make up each side of the hipbone and pelvis.
ilium n. (Anatomy, obsolete) The ileum, part of the small intestine (In modern usage, misspelling of ileum.).
Ilium prop.n. Troy.
LINUMLinum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Linaceae – flax and related plants.
LINUM n. (Latin) a plant of the flax family.
LUMBILUMBUS n. (Latin) the part of the lower back and sides between the pelvis and the ribs.
MIAULmiaul n. (Dated) The cry of a cat.
miaul v. (Intransitive, dated) To give the cry of a cat.
MIAUL v. to make the sound of a crying cat, also MEOW, MEOU, MIAOU, MIAOW.
MUILSMUIL n. (Scots) a mule, a backless slipper.
MULIEmulie n. (Nautical) A barge rigged with a spritsail main, and a large gaff rigged mizzen afore the steering wheel.
MULIE n. a western North American deer.
PILUMpilum n. (Historical) A Roman military javelin.
pilum n. (Botany) The columella on the surface of a pollen grain.
PILUM n. (Latin) a heavy Roman javelin.
SIMULsimul n. (Gaming) A simultaneous exhibition: one player, typically very strong, plays several games at the same…
SIMUL n. (short for) a simultaneous, a display in which a player plays a number of games of chess simultaneously against different opponents.
ULMINulmin n. (Organic chemistry) A brown amorphous substance found in decaying vegetation.
ULMIN n. a brown amorphous substance found in decaying vegetation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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