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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing I, V, X and Y

BICONVEXITYbiconvexity n. The quality of being biconvex.
BICONVEXITY n. the state of being biconvex.
EXCESSIVELYexcessively adv. To an excessive degree.
excessively adv. In excess.
EXCESSIVE adv. beyond what is usual or right; immoderate.
EXCLUSIVELYexclusively adv. (Focus) to the exclusion of anything or anyone else; solely or entirely.
EXCLUSIVE adv. able or tending to exclude.
EXCLUSIVITYexclusivity n. The quality of being exclusive.
EXCLUSIVITY n. the state of being exclusive.
EXCURSIVELYexcursively adv. In an excursive manner.
EXCURSIVE adv. constituting a digression.
EXECUTIVELYexecutively adv. In the way of executing or performing.
EXECUTIVE adv. concerned with performance, administration or management.
EXPANSIVELYexpansively adv. In an expansive manner.
EXPANSIVE adv. widely extended.
EXPANSIVITYexpansivity n. Expansiveness.
expansivity n. (Mathematics) The formal notion of points moving away from one another under the action of an iterated function.
EXPANSIVITY n. the state of being expansive.
EXPENSIVELYexpensively adv. In an expensive manner.
EXPENSIVE adv. costing a lot of money.
EXPLETIVELYexpletively adv. In an expletive way.
EXPLETIVE adv. filling out.
EXPLOSIVELYexplosively adv. In an explosive manner.
EXPLOSIVE adv. tending to explode.
EXTENSIVELYextensively adv. In an extensive manner, widely.
extensively adv. To a great extent.
EXTENSIVE adv. large, widespread, also EXTENSE.
EXTORSIVELYextorsively adv. In an extorsive manner; extortionately.
EXTORSIVE adv. relating to or practising extortion, also EXTORTIVE.
MYXOVIRUSESmyxoviruses n. Plural of myxovirus.
MYXOVIRUS n. any of a group of related viruses causing influenza, mumps etc.
OVERANXIETYoveranxiety n. Excessive anxiety.
OVERANXIETY n. excessive anxiety.
OXIDATIVELYoxidatively adv. By means of oxidation.
OXIDATIVE adv. relating to oxidation.
REFLEXIVELYreflexively adv. In a reflexive manner.
reflexively adv. By reflex, automatically, without conscious thought.
REFLEXIVE adv. indicating that the action turns back upon the subject; relating to a reflex.
REFLEXIVITYreflexivity n. The condition or state of being reflexive.
REFLEXIVITY n. the state of being reflexive.
VEXATIOUSLYvexatiously adv. In a vexatious manner; so as to give annoyance.
VEXATIOUS adv. causing vexation.
VEXILLOLOGYvexillology n. The study of flags.
VEXILLOLOGY n. the study of flags.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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