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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing I, J, M and U

BIJURALISMSSorry, definition not available.
BUCKJUMPINGbuckjumping n. (Australia) The action (of a horse) of aggressively attempting to buck a rider.
buckjumping n. (Australia) A rodeo event in which the rider attempts to stay in the saddle of a bucking horse for a set period.
BUCKJUMPING n. (Australian) a competitive event for buckjumpers in a rodeo.
JOURNALISMSjournalisms n. Plural of journalism.
JOURNALISM n. the collection and editing of news for presentation through the media.
JUDGMATICALjudgmatical adj. Judicious.
JUDGMATICAL adj. given to judgment, also JUDGMATIC.
JUMHOURIYASJUMHOURIYA n. (Arabic) in Arab socialist states, the people or proletariat state, also JAMAHIRIYA.
JUMPINESSESjumpinesses n. Plural of jumpiness.
JUMPINESS n. the state of being jumpy.
LONGJUMPINGlong␣jumping v. Present participle of long jump.
LONGJUMP v. to jump for distance from a running start.
MISADJUSTEDmisadjusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of misadjust.
MISADJUST v. to adjust wrongly; to throw out of adjustment.
MISJUDGMENTmisjudgment n. An act of misjudging; a mistake in judgment.
MISJUDGMENT n. an erroneous judgment, also MISJUDGEMENT.
MULTIJUGATEmultijugate adj. (Botany, of a pinnate leaf) Having more than one pair of leaflets.
MULTIJUGATE adj. consisting of many pairs of leaflets, also MULTIJUGOUS.
MULTIJUGOUSmultijugous adj. Multijugate.
MULTIJUGOUS adj. consisting of many pairs of leaflets, also MULTIJUGATE.
OVERJUMPINGoverjumping v. Present participle of overjump.
OVERJUMP v. to jump too far.
SHOWJUMPINGshowjumping n. (Sports, equestrianism) A sporting competition where horses are ridden around a course consisting of…
show␣jumping n. An equestrian event in which a rider’s horse is jumped over an array of obstacles.
SHOWJUMPING n. a competition in which a succession of riders on horseback have to jump a series of obstacles of different kinds.
THINGUMAJIGthingumajig n. Alternative form of thingamajig.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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