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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing I, O and Q

COQUIScoquis n. Plural of coqui.
coquís n. Plural of coquí.
COQUI n. a small arboreal frog.
LIQUORliquor n. (Obsolete) A liquid, a fluid.
liquor n. (Obsolete) A drinkable liquid.
liquor n. A liquid obtained by cooking meat or vegetables (or both).
QIGONGqigong n. (Fitness, alternative medicine) A Chinese system of breathing control, physical exercise and meditation.
qi␣gong n. Alternative spelling of qigong.
QIGONG n. (Chinese) a system of Chinese meditative exercises.
QUINOAquinoa n. A goosefoot (Chenopodium quinoa) native to the Andes and cultivated for its edible seeds.
quinoa n. The high-protein dried fruits and seeds of this plant, used as a food staple and ground into flour.
QUINOA n. (Quechua) a South American goosefoot, with seeds used as rice.
QUINOLquinol n. (Organic chemistry) Synonym of hydroquinone.
QUINOL n. a reducing agent obtained from quinone.
QUINOSQUINO n. a game of chance, also KENO, KEENO, KINO.
QUIPOSquipos n. Plural of quipo.
QUIPO n. (Quechua) a device of knotted cords, used by Incas of Peru to calculate or order information, also QUIPPU, QUIPU.
QUOIFSquoifs n. Plural of quoif.
QUOIF v. to put the hair into a kind of close-fitting cap, also COIF.
QUOINSquoins n. Plural of quoin.
QUOIN v. to secure or raise by wedging.
QUOISTQUOIST n. the ringdove or wood-pigeon, also QUEEST, QUIST.
QUOITSquoits n. Plural of quoit.
quoits n. A competitive game in which players throw rings, aiming to land them over vertical sticks.
QUOIT v. to play at quoits.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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