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There are 14 four-letter words containing I, T and U

AITUaitu n. A ghost or spirit, often malevolent, in Polynesian mythology.
AITU n. a Polynesian demigod.
CUITCUIT n. (Scots) the ankle.
DUITDUIT n. (Dutch) a former Dutch coin, also DODKIN, DOIT, DOITKIN.
ETUIetui n. Alternative spelling of étui.
étui n. A small, ornamental bag or rigid container used for holding articles such as needles.
ETUI n. (French) a small ornamental case for holding e.g. needles, also ETWEE.
KUTIkuti n. A traditional Ethiopian tisane made from steeped coffee leaves.
KUTI n. (Hinglish) a female dog; a woman or girl regarded as unpleasant or contemptible.
LITUlitų n. Plural of litas.
LITAS n. a former monetary unit of Lithuania, also LIT.
LUITLET v. to allow.
MUTImuti n. (South Africa) Traditional African medicine.
Muti prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MUTI n. (Zulu) a traditional medicine, associated with witch-doctors.
PTUIptui interj. The sound of spitting.
PTUI interj. an imitation of the sound of someone spitting, also PTOOEY.
QUITquit adj. (Usually followed by of) Released from obligation, penalty, etc; free, clear, or rid.
quit v. (Transitive, archaic) To pay (A debt, fine etc.).
quit v. (Transitive, obsolete) To repay (someone) for (something).
SUITsuit n. A set of clothes to be worn together, now especially a man’s matching jacket and trousers (also business…
suit n. (By extension) A garment or set of garments suitable and/or required for a given task or activity: space…
suit n. (Derogatory, slang, metonymically) A person who wears matching jacket and trousers, especially a boss or a supervisor.
TUIStuis n. Plural of tui.
TUIs n. Plural of TUI.
TUI n. (Maori) a New Zealand bird, a honey guide.
UNITunit n. (Mathematics) Oneness, singularity, seen as a component of a whole number; a magnitude of one.
unit n. (Sciences) A standard measure of a quantity.
unit n. The number one.
UTISutis n. Alternative form of utas.
UTIs n. Plural of UTI.
UTIS n. (Shakespeare) clamour, din.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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