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There are 19 words containing H, O, 2R, S, T and 2U

OUTHARBOURSoutharbours n. Plural of outharbour.
SULPHURATORsulphurator n. An apparatus for impregnating with, or exposing to the action of, sulphur, especially for purposes of…
SULPHURATOR n. a device for sulphurating.
SULPHURWORTsulphurwort n. The plant hog fennel (Peucedanum officinale).
SULPHURWORT n. an umbelliferous plant akin to parsnip, with yellow flowers and juice.
THURIFEROUSthuriferous adj. Producing, bearing or yielding frankincense.
THURIFEROUS adj. incense-bearing.
EURYTHERMOUSeurythermous adj. Synonym of eurythermal.
EURYTHERMOUS adj. tolerating a wide range of temperature, also EURYTHERMAL, EURYTHERMIC.
SULPHURATORSsulphurators n. Plural of sulphurator.
SULPHURATOR n. a device for sulphurating.
SULPHURWORTSsulphurworts n. Plural of sulphurwort.
SULPHURWORT n. an umbelliferous plant akin to parsnip, with yellow flowers and juice.
COUNTERTHRUSTcounterthrust n. A thrust made against another; a counterblow.
COUNTERTHRUST n. a thrust to counter another thrust.
HORTICULTUREShorticultures n. Plural of horticulture.
HORTICULTURE n. the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
TAUROMORPHOUStauromorphous adj. Bull-shaped.
TAUROMORPHOUS adj. bull-shaped.
UNTRUSTWORTHYuntrustworthy adj. Not deserving of trust; unreliable.
UNTRUSTWORTHY adj. not trustworthy.
COUNTERTHRUSTScounterthrusts n. Plural of counterthrust.
COUNTERTHRUST n. a thrust to counter another thrust.
HORTICULTURISThorticulturist n. A gardener; a person interested or practicing horticulture.
HORTICULTURIST n. one who practises horticulture.
RUTHERFORDIUMSRUTHERFORDIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
ULTRAHAZARDOUSultrahazardous adj. Extremely hazardous.
ULTRAHAZARDOUS adj. extremely hazardous.
COUNTERPUNCHERScounterpunchers n. Plural of counterpuncher.
COUNTERPUNCHER n. one who counterpunches.
HORTICULTURISTShorticulturists n. Plural of horticulturist.
HORTICULTURIST n. one who practises horticulture.
TECHNOSTRUCTUREtechnostructure n. A corporate structure including technicians or other skilled professionals.
TECHNOSTRUCTURE n. the network of professionally skilled managers (as scientists, engineers, and administrators) that tends to control the economy both within and beyond individual corporate groups.
UNTRUSTWORTHILYuntrustworthily adv. In an untrustworthy manner.
UNTRUSTWORTHY adv. not trustworthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 376 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 35 words

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