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There are 20 words containing H, 2O, R, S, 2T and W

OUTTHROWSoutthrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outthrow.
OUTTHROW v. to throw farther than.
OUTWORTHSoutworths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outworth.
OUTWORTH v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in worth.
GHOSTWROTEghostwrote v. Simple past tense of ghostwrite.
ghost-wrote v. Simple past tense of ghost-write.
ghost␣wrote v. Simple past tense of ghost write.
OUTGROWTHSoutgrowths n. Plural of outgrowth.
OUTGROWTH n. that which grows out from anything.
TOOTHWORTStoothworts n. Plural of toothwort.
TOOTHWORT n. a plant whose roots are fancied to resemble teeth, as certain plants of the genus Lathraea, and various species of Dentaria.
GROATSWORTHgroatsworth n. (Historical) An object or quantity that can be purchased for a groat; hence (figurative) a small amount; a morsel.
GROATSWORTH n. (obsolete) the value of a groat.
MOTHERWORTSmotherworts n. Plural of motherwort.
MOTHERWORT n. a labiate herb, of a bitter taste, used popularly in medicine.
THROATWORTSthroatworts n. Plural of throatwort.
THROATWORT n. a plant formerly considered a remedy for sore throats because of its throat-shaped corolla.
GROATSWORTHSgroatsworths n. Plural of groatsworth.
GROATSWORTH n. (obsolete) the value of a groat.
WITHOUTDOORSwithoutdoors adv. (Archaic) outdoors.
WITHOUTDOORS adv. outdoors.
NOTEWORTHIESTnoteworthiest adj. Superlative form of noteworthy: most noteworthy.
NOTEWORTHY adj. worthy of or attracting attention esp because of some special excellence.
ROADWORTHIESTROADWORTHY adj. able to be used on a road.
THOROUGHWORTSthoroughworts n. Plural of thoroughwort.
THOROUGHWORT n. a wild flower with perfoliate leaves.
YELLOWTHROATSyellowthroats n. Plural of yellowthroat.
YELLOWTHROAT n. any of several largely olive American warblers.
DROOLWORTHIESTDROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
NOTEWORTHINESSnoteworthiness n. The quality or state of being noteworthy.
NOTEWORTHINESS n. the state of being noteworthy.
QUOTEWORTHIESTQUOTEWORTHY adj. worth being quoted.
TWOPENCEWORTHSTWOPENCEWORTH n. goods to the value of twopence.
OTHERWORLDLIESTOTHERWORLDLY adj. of, relating to, or resembling that of a world other than the actual world, also OTHERWORLDISH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 536 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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