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There are 15 words containing H, N, 2O, R and 3T

ORTHODONTISTorthodontist n. An orthodontic dentist.
ORTHODONTIST n. one who practises orthodontics.
LITHONTRIPTORlithontriptor n. Alternative form of lithotriptor.
LITHONTRIPTOR n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
NOTEWORTHIESTnoteworthiest adj. Superlative form of noteworthy: most noteworthy.
NOTEWORTHY adj. worthy of or attracting attention esp because of some special excellence.
ORTHODONTISTSorthodontists n. Plural of orthodontist.
ORTHODONTIST n. one who practises orthodontics.
ORTHOTUNGSTICORTHOTUNGSTIC adj. as in orthotungstic acid.
ANTITHROMBOTICantithrombotic adj. (Pharmacology) That inhibits the formation of thrombi.
antithrombotic n. (Pharmacology) Any drug having this property.
ANTITHROMBOTIC n. a drug effective against thrombosis.
LITHONTRIPTORSlithontriptors n. Plural of lithontriptor.
LITHONTRIPTOR n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
PROSTHODONTISTprosthodontist n. One who specializes in prosthodontics.
PROSTHODONTIST n. a specialist in prosthodontics.
PROTHONOTARIATprothonotariat n. The college constituted by the twelve apostolic prothonotaries in Rome.
PROTHONOTARIAT n. the college constituted by the twelve apostolical prothonotaries (bishops and senior members of the curia) in Rome, also PROTONOTARIAT.
THERMOTOLERANTthermotolerant adj. Possessing thermotolerance; able to withstand heat.
THERMOTOLERANT adj. able to endure high temperatures but not growing well under such conditions.
ANTHROPOMETRISTanthropometrist n. A practitioner of anthropometry.
ANTHROPOMETRIST n. one who engages in the comparative study of sizes and proportions of the human body.
ANTITHROMBOTICSantithrombotics n. Plural of antithrombotic.
ANTITHROMBOTIC n. a drug effective against thrombosis.
PHOTOTRANSISTORphototransistor n. (Electronics) Any semiconductor device whose electrical characteristics are light-sensitive.
PHOTOTRANSISTOR n. a junction transistor, whose base signal is generated by illumination of the base.
PROSTHODONTISTSprosthodontists n. Plural of prosthodontist.
PROSTHODONTIST n. a specialist in prosthodontics.
PROTHONOTARIATSprothonotariats n. Plural of prothonotariat.
PROTHONOTARIAT n. the college constituted by the twelve apostolical prothonotaries (bishops and senior members of the curia) in Rome, also PROTONOTARIAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 1099 words
  • Scrabble in French: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 16 words

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