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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing H, N, 3O, 2P and R

ANAMORPHOSCOPESanamorphoscopes n. Plural of anamorphoscope.
ANAMORPHOSCOPE n. an optical device, such as a cylindrical lens, for correcting an image that has been distorted by anamorphosis.
ANTHROPOMORPHICanthropomorphic adj. Having the form of a human.
anthropomorphic adj. (Of animals, inanimate objects, and non-human entities) Having attributes or characteristics of a human being.
ANTHROPOMORPHIC adj. described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes.
ANTHROPOPHAGOUSanthropophagous adj. Who practices anthropophagy; cannibal.
ANTHROPOPHAGOUS adj. eating humans.
ANTHROPOPHOBICSanthropophobics n. Plural of anthropophobic.
ANTHROPOPHOBIC n. someone having a fear of humans.
ANTHROPOSOPHIESANTHROPOSOPHY n. knowledge of the nature of humanity; human wisdom.
ANTHROPOSOPHISTanthroposophist n. A proponent of anthroposophy.
ANTHROPOSOPHIST n. one versed in anthroposophy, knowledge of the nature of humanity.
MORPHOPHONEMICSmorphophonemics n. Morphophonology.
MORPHOPHONEMICS n. linguistic structure in terms of the phonological patterning of morphemes.
MORPHOPHONOLOGYmorphophonology n. A branch of linguistics concerned with phonemes, and the phonological representation of morphemes.
MORPHOPHONOLOGY n. the study of the phonemic shape and the phonological representation of a language's morphemes.
NONPHILOSOPHERSnonphilosophers n. Plural of nonphilosopher.
NONPHILOSOPHER n. someone who is not a philosopher.
NONPHOTOGRAPHICnonphotographic adj. Not photographic.
NONPHOTOGRAPHIC adj. not photographic.
ORGANOPHOSPHATEorganophosphate n. (Chemistry) Any ester of phosphoric acid or its derivatives, especially one used as an insecticide or herbicide.
ORGANOPHOSPHATE n. an organophosphorus compound (as a pesticide).
PHOSPHOPROTEINSphosphoproteins n. Plural of phosphoprotein.
PHOSPHOPROTEIN n. any of various proteins, such as casein, that contain combined phosphoric acid.
PHOSPHORYLATIONphosphorylation n. (Biochemistry) the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor; often catalysed by enzymes.
PHOSPHORYLATION n. the process of phosphorylating a chemical compound.
PHOTOPRODUCTIONphotoproduction n. (Chemistry) The production of a molecular species (e.g. a radical or ion) by means of light.
PHOTOPRODUCTION n. the production of one or more particles by the action of an incident photon.
PHOTORECEPTIONSphotoreceptions n. Plural of photoreception.
PHOTORECEPTION n. the perception of waves in the range of visible light.
PHOTOZINCOGRAPHphotozincograph n. A print made using photozincography.
PHOTOZINCOGRAPH n. a picture produced by photozincography.
POLYCHLOROPRENEpolychloroprene n. (Organic chemistry) A polymer of chloroprene.
PROTOPORPHYRINSprotoporphyrins n. Plural of protoporphyrin.
PROTOPORPHYRIN n. metal-free porphyrin derived from blood hemin.
SPORANGIOPHORESsporangiophores n. Plural of sporangiophore.
SPORANGIOPHORE n. a stalk to which sporangia are attached.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 109 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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