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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing H, N, O, 2P, 2S and T

APOSTROPHISINGapostrophising v. Present participle of apostrophise.
APOSTROPHISE v. to address an inanimate object, also APOSTROPHIZE.
BISPHOSPHONATEbisphosphonate n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of organic compounds having two phosphate groups attached to a single carbon atom.
bisphosphonate n. (Medicine) Any of several pharmaceuticals having this structure; they are inhibitors of bone resorption…
BISPHOSPHONATE n. any of a family of drugs primarily used to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
COPARTNERSHIPScopartnerships n. Plural of copartnership.
COPARTNERSHIP n. the state of being a copartner.
DEIPNOSOPHISTSdeipnosophists n. Plural of deipnosophist.
DEIPNOSOPHIST n. a person skilled in dinner conversation.
INSPECTORSHIPSinspectorships n. Plural of inspectorship.
INSPECTORSHIP n. the office of inspector.
MONOPHOSPHATESmonophosphates n. Plural of monophosphate.
MONOPHOSPHATE n. an ester of phosphoric acid.
PARANTHROPUSESPARANTHROPUS n. an Olduvai anthropoid ape.
PARTHENOSPORESPARTHENOSPORE n. a thick-walled spore produced by parthenogenesis in certain algae and fungi.
PHONOGRAPHISTSphonographists n. Plural of phonographist.
PHONOGRAPHIST n. an exponent of phonography.
PHOSPHORESCENTphosphorescent adj. Having the property of emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away…
phosphorescent n. A phosphorescent substance.
PHOSPHORESCENT adj. exhibiting phosphorescence.
POSTULANTSHIPSPOSTULANTSHIP n. the office of postulant.
PRECENTORSHIPSprecentorships n. Plural of precentorship.
PRECENTORSHIP n. the office of precentor.
PSILANTHROPIESPSILANTHROPY n. the belief that Christ was not divine but divinely inspired.
PSILANTHROPISMpsilanthropism n. Psilanthropy.
PSILANTHROPISM n. the denial of Christ's divinity.
PSILANTHROPISTpsilanthropist n. One who believes that Jesus Christ was a mere man.
PSILANTHROPIST n. one who denies Christ's divinity.
SPINTHARISCOPEspinthariscope n. (Historical) An early device for observing individual nuclear disintegrations.
SPINTHARISCOPE n. an instrument for visually detecting alpha particles.
SPORTSMANSHIPSsportsmanships n. Plural of sportsmanship.
SPORTSMANSHIP n. conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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