DYSMORPHOPHOBIA | • dysmorphophobia n. (Dated, psychiatry) body dysmorphic disorder, dysmorphia. • DYSMORPHOPHOBIA n. fear of physical deformities. |
DYSMORPHOPHOBIC | • dysmorphophobic adj. (Psychiatry) Of or relating to dysmorphophobia. • DYSMORPHOPHOBIC adj. relating to or affected with dysmorphophobia, the fear that one's body is repulsive. |
MICROSPOROPHYLL | • microsporophyll n. A leaflike organ that bears one or more microsporangia (contrast megasporophyll or macrosporophyll). • MICROSPOROPHYLL n. a specialised leaf bearing or subtending one or more microsporangia. |
MORPHOPHONOLOGY | • morphophonology n. A branch of linguistics concerned with phonemes, and the phonological representation of morphemes. • MORPHOPHONOLOGY n. the study of the phonemic shape and the phonological representation of a language's morphemes. |
MORPHOTROPY | • MORPHOTROPY n. the effect on crystalline form of the addition or substitution of an element or radical. |
OPHTHALMOSCOPY | • ophthalmoscopy n. Examination of the eye with an ophthalmoscope. • ophthalmoscopy n. The design, construction and use of ophthalmoscopes. • OPHTHALMOSCOPY n. an examination by use of an ophthalmoscope. |
PHOTOPOLYMER | • photopolymer n. (Chemistry) Any polymer that reacts to light with a physical or chemical change, used especially for teeth fillings. • PHOTOPOLYMER n. a photosensitive plastic used esp. in the manufacture of printing plates. |
PHOTOPOLYMERS | • photopolymers n. Plural of photopolymer. • PHOTOPOLYMER n. a photosensitive plastic used esp. in the manufacture of printing plates. |
POLYMORPHOUS | • polymorphous adj. Having, or assuming, a variety of forms, characters, or styles. • polymorphous adj. (Biology) Having, or occurring in, several distinct forms. • polymorphous adj. (Chemistry) Crystallizing in two or more different forms; polymorphic. |
POLYMORPHOUSLY | • polymorphously adv. In a polymorphous manner. • POLYMORPHOUS adv. occurring in several forms. |
POMPHOLYGOUS | • POMPHOLYGOUS adj. of or like a pompholyx, a vesicular eruption or eczema chiefly on the palms and soles. |
PYROPHOTOMETER | • PYROPHOTOMETER n. a type of pyrometer in which the temperature of an incandescent body is determined by photometric measurement of the light it emits. |
PYROPHOTOMETERS | • PYROPHOTOMETER n. a type of pyrometer in which the temperature of an incandescent body is determined by photometric measurement of the light it emits. |
PYROPHOTOMETRY | • PYROPHOTOMETRY n. the measurement of the temperature of an incandescent body by photometric measurement of the light it emits. |
PYTHONOMORPH | • pythonomorph n. Any large extinct reptile of the taxon Pythonomorpha. • pythonomorph n. Any member of the taxon Pythonomorpha. • PYTHONOMORPH n. a large marine reptile of the Cretaceous period, with long, scaly body and paddle-shaped limbs. |
PYTHONOMORPHS | • pythonomorphs n. Plural of pythonomorph. • PYTHONOMORPH n. a large marine reptile of the Cretaceous period, with long, scaly body and paddle-shaped limbs. |