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There are 20 words containing H, L, M, 2N, O, P and T

PHENTOLAMINEphentolamine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound used as a vasodilator, especially in certain cases of hypertension.
PHENTOLAMINE n. an adrenergic blocking agent used esp. in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension due to pheochromocytoma.
METENCEPHALONmetencephalon n. (Neuroanatomy) The portion of the embryonic rhombencephalon from which the pons and cerebellum arise.
METENCEPHALON n. the anterior segment of the developing vertebrate hindbrain.
MONOPHTHONGALmonophthongal adj. (Linguistics) Of or pertaining to a monophthong.
monophthongal adj. (Linguistics, of a vowel) Pronounced as a single vowel sound; said especially of a vowel that is also…
MONOPHTHONGAL adj. of or like a monophthong.
MONOTELEPHONEmonotelephone n. (Historical) An early telephonic device that transmits only one specific tone.
MONOTELEPHONE n. a telephone that transmits sounds of one pitch only.
PHENOMENALISTphenomenalist n. One who subscribes to the philosophy of phenomenalism.
PHENOMENALIST n. an adherent of the philosophical doctrine of phenomenalism, that knowledge can only comprehend phenomena.
PHENOMENALITYphenomenality n. The state or property of being phenomenal.
PHENOMENALITY n. the state of being phenomenal.
PHENTOLAMINESphentolamines n. Plural of phentolamine.
PHENTOLAMINE n. an adrenergic blocking agent used esp. in the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension due to pheochromocytoma.
HOMOTRANSPLANThomotransplant n. An instance of homotransplantation (allotransplantation).
homotransplant n. The graft (tissue or organ) transplanted in such an instance: Synonym of homograft (allograft).
HOMOTRANSPLANT n. a graft of tissue from one individual to another of the same species.
METENCEPHALONSmetencephalons n. Plural of metencephalon.
METENCEPHALON n. the anterior segment of the developing vertebrate hindbrain.
MONOTELEPHONESmonotelephones n. Plural of monotelephone.
MONOTELEPHONE n. a telephone that transmits sounds of one pitch only.
PHENOMENALISTSphenomenalists n. Plural of phenomenalist.
PHENOMENALIST n. an adherent of the philosophical doctrine of phenomenalism, that knowledge can only comprehend phenomena.
SULPHONMETHANESULPHONMETHANE n. a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULFONMETHANE.
HOMOTRANSPLANTShomotransplants n. Plural of homotransplant.
HOMOTRANSPLANT n. a graft of tissue from one individual to another of the same species.
NONMETAPHORICALnonmetaphorical adj. Not metaphorical.
NONMETAPHORICAL adj. not metaphorical.
PHENOMENALISTICphenomenalistic adj. Of or relating to the philosophy of phenomenalism.
PHENOMENALISTIC adj. relating to phenomenalism.
PHENOMENALITIESphenomenalities n. Plural of phenomenality.
PHENOMENALITY n. the state of being phenomenal.
PHENOMENOLOGISTphenomenologist n. (Philosophy) A philosopher who practices, advocates, or specializes in the scholarly study of phenomenology.
PHENOMENOLOGIST n. one who studies phenomenology.
PLAINCLOTHESMANplainclothesman n. A police officer (especially a detective) who wears civilian clothes when on duty.
plainclothes␣man n. Alternative spelling of plainclothesman.
PLAINCLOTHESMAN n. a plainclothes police officer.
PLAINCLOTHESMENplainclothesmen n. Plural of plainclothesman.
plainclothes␣men n. Plural of plainclothes man.
PLAINCLOTHESMAN n. a plainclothes police officer.
SULPHONMETHANESSULPHONMETHANE n. a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULFONMETHANE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 448 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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