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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 13 fourteen-letter words containing H, L, M, 2O, R and 2T

CHROMATOLOGISTCHROMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in chromatology.
HOMOTRANSPLANThomotransplant n. An instance of homotransplantation (allotransplantation).
homotransplant n. The graft (tissue or organ) transplanted in such an instance: Synonym of homograft (allograft).
HOMOTRANSPLANT n. a graft of tissue from one individual to another of the same species.
LITHOCHROMATIClithochromatic adj. Pertaining to chromatic lithography (the production of lithographs that support color through the application…
lithochromatic adj. (Soil science) Displaying color that results from the inclusion of particles of pulverised stone.
LITHOCHROMATIC adj. relating to lithochromatics.
OPHTHALMOMETERophthalmometer n. (Physiology) An instrument for measuring the size of a reflected image on the convex surface of the…
OPHTHALMOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the eye.
OPHTHALMOMETRYophthalmometry n. Measurement of the visual acuity and refractive power of the eyes.
OPHTHALMOMETRY n. measurement of the eye.
PHOTOTELEGRAMSPHOTOTELEGRAM n. a telegram that is sent by means of phototelegraphy.
PHOTOTHERMALLYphotothermally adv. In a photothermal manner.
PHOTOTHERMAL adv. of or concerned with light and heat, esp. the production of heat by light, also PHOTOTHERMIC.
RHEUMATOLOGISTrheumatologist n. A doctor specializing in the treatment of arthritis and other ailments of the joints.
RHEUMATOLOGIST n. one who studies rheumatology.
THERMOELECTRONthermoelectron n. (Physics) A thermionic electron.
THERMOELECTRON n. an electron emitted at high temperature, such as one produced in a thermionic valve.
THERMOTOLERANTthermotolerant adj. Possessing thermotolerance; able to withstand heat.
THERMOTOLERANT adj. able to endure high temperatures but not growing well under such conditions.
THROMBOPLASTICthromboplastic adj. Causing or accelerating the formation of blood clots.
THROMBOPLASTIC adj. initiating or accelerating the clotting of blood.
THROMBOPLASTINthromboplastin n. (Biochemistry) A protease that converts prothrombin to thrombin during the clotting of blood.
THROMBOPLASTIN n. a complex enzyme found esp. in platelets that functions in the conversion of prothrombin into thrombin in the clotting of blood.
TRICHOTOMOUSLYtrichotomously adv. In a trichotomous manner.
TRICHOTOMOUS adv. divided into three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 54 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 17 words

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