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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing H, L, O, P, R, S and 2T

ARCTOPHILISTSARCTOPHILIST n. a collector of teddy bears.
CARTOPHILISTScartophilists n. Plural of cartophilist.
CARTOPHILIST n. one who collects cigarette cards.
HERPETOLOGISTherpetologist n. One who studies reptiles and amphibians; a reptile and amphibian specialist.
HERPETOLOGIST n. one who studies snakes.
HETEROPLASTICheteroplastic adj. (Pathology) Of, or relating to heteroplasm.
heteroplastic adj. (Surgery) Of a graft between individuals of different species.
heteroplastic adj. (Botany) Of cells possessing plastids from two or more parent cells or organisms.
INTERHOSPITALinterhospital adj. Between hospitals.
LITHOTRIPSIESlithotripsies n. Plural of lithotripsy.
LITHOTRIPSY n. the surgical operation of crushing a stone in the bladder, kidney or gall bladder, so that its fragments may be passed naturally from the body.
LITHOTRIPTERSlithotripters n. Plural of lithotripter.
LITHOTRIPTER n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
LITHOTRIPTICSlithotriptics n. Plural of lithotriptic.
LITHOTRIPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTHRYPTIC, LITHONTRIPTIC.
LITHOTRIPTISTlithotriptist n. A surgeon who specializes in performing lithotripsy.
LITHOTRIPTIST n. a surgeon who performs a lithotripsy.
LITHOTRIPTORSlithotriptors n. Plural of lithotriptor.
LITHOTRIPTOR n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
LUTEOTROPHINSluteotrophins n. Plural of luteotrophin.
LUTEOTROPHIN n. another name for the hormone prolactin, also LUTEOTROPIN.
LYCANTHROPISTlycanthropist n. One affected by the disease lycanthropy.
LYCANTHROPIST n. a werewolf; a person suffering from lycanthropy, also LYCANTHROPE.
PHOTOREALISTSphotorealists n. Plural of photorealist.
PHOTOREALIST n. an exponent of photorealism.
POLYARTHRITISpolyarthritis n. (Pathology) Any arthritis affecting five or more joints, often caused by an autoimmune disorder.
POLYARTHRITIS n. arthritis affecting several joints.
STROPHIOLATEDstrophiolated adj. Synonym of strophiolate.
STROPHIOLATED adj. having strophioles, caruncles, also STROPHIOLATE.
THERMOPLASTICthermoplastic adj. Softening when heated and hardening when cooled, and thus able to be moulded.
thermoplastic n. A plastic with this property.
THERMOPLASTIC adj. capable of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening again when cooled.
THORACOPLASTYthoracoplasty n. (Surgery) Surgery of the chest, usually involving removal of ribs.
THORACOPLASTY n. surgery to collapse a diseased lung by removing selected portions of the ribs.
TROPHOBLASTICtrophoblastic adj. Of, or relating to a trophoblast.
TROPHOBLASTIC adj. of or like a trophoblast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 88 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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