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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing H, L, 2O, R, S and 2T

HEORTOLOGISTSheortologists n. Plural of heortologist.
HEORTOLOGIST n. one who practises heortology, the study of religious feasts.
HERPETOLOGISTherpetologist n. One who studies reptiles and amphibians; a reptile and amphibian specialist.
HERPETOLOGIST n. one who studies snakes.
HETEROCLITOUSheteroclitous adj. (Obsolete) heteroclitic.
HETEROCLITOUS adj. irregularly inflected, also HETEROCLITIC.
HETEROSTYLOUSheterostylous adj. Exhibiting heterostyly.
HETEROSTYLOUS adj. having styles of different length in different flowers, also HETEROSTYLED.
LITHOTRIPTORSlithotriptors n. Plural of lithotriptor.
LITHOTRIPTOR n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder by ultrasound, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRITE, LITHOTRITOR.
LUTEOTROPHINSluteotrophins n. Plural of luteotrophin.
LUTEOTROPHIN n. another name for the hormone prolactin, also LUTEOTROPIN.
ORNITHOLOGISTornithologist n. A person who studies or practices ornithology.
ORNITHOLOGIST n. one who studies birds.
ORTHOSILICATEorthosilicate n. (Inorganic chemistry) any salt or ester of orthosilicic acid, (M+)4SiO44- or Si(OR)4.
orthosilicate n. (Mineralogy) any silicate mineral, such as garnet or olivine, in which the SiO4 tetrahedra do not share…
ORTHOSILICATE n. a salt of orthosilicic acid.
PHOTOREALISTSphotorealists n. Plural of photorealist.
PHOTOREALIST n. an exponent of photorealism.
STROPHIOLATEDstrophiolated adj. Synonym of strophiolate.
STROPHIOLATED adj. having strophioles, caruncles, also STROPHIOLATE.
THEOLOGASTERStheologasters n. Plural of theologaster.
THEOLOGASTER n. a petty or shallow theologian.
THORACOPLASTYthoracoplasty n. (Surgery) Surgery of the chest, usually involving removal of ribs.
THORACOPLASTY n. surgery to collapse a diseased lung by removing selected portions of the ribs.
THROMBOLYTICSthrombolytics n. Plural of thrombolytic.
THROMBOLYTIC n. a thrombolytic drug.
THROTTLEHOLDSthrottleholds n. Plural of throttlehold.
THROTTLEHOLD n. a vicious, strangling, or stultifying control.
TORTOISESHELLtortoiseshell n. The horny, translucent, mottled covering of the carapace of the hawksbill turtle, used as a veneer etc.
tortoiseshell n. The hawksbill turtle.
tortoiseshell n. A domestic cat (Or a rabbit, guinea-pig, etc.) whose fur has black, brown and yellow markings.
TRICHOLOGISTStrichologists n. Plural of trichologist.
TRICHOLOGIST n. a person who specializes in hair and scalp care.
TROPHOBLASTICtrophoblastic adj. Of, or relating to a trophoblast.
TROPHOBLASTIC adj. of or like a trophoblast.
TROUBLESHOOTStroubleshoots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of troubleshoot.
TROUBLESHOOT v. to solve problems.
YELLOWTHROATSyellowthroats n. Plural of yellowthroat.
YELLOWTHROAT n. any of several largely olive American warblers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 84 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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