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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing H, L, N, 2O, P, S and T

ANTHOPHILOUSanthophilous adj. Living or growing on flowers.
ANTHOPHILOUS adj. feeding upon or living among flowers e.g. the anthophilous parrots of Tasmania.
GERONTOPHILSGERONTOPHIL n. a person who experiences gerontophilia, a sexual attraction towards old people, also GERONTOPHILE.
HAPTOGLOBINShaptoglobins n. Plural of haptoglobin.
HAPTOGLOBIN n. a protein that combines with free haemoglobin in the blood and prevents its filtration through the kidney.
HELIOTROPINSHELIOTROPIN n. a phenolic aldehyde of very pleasant odour, used as a perfume and in flavourings, etc., aka piperonal.
HYPNOLOGISTShypnologists n. Plural of hypnologist.
HYPNOLOGIST n. one who studies sleep.
HYPOPLASTRONhypoplastron n. The third lateral plate in the plastron of turtles.
HYPOPLASTRON n. the plate behind the hyoplastron in a turtle's plastron.
ICONOPHILISTiconophilist n. A student or enthusiast of iconography.
ICONOPHILIST n. one with a taste for pictures and symbols.
MULTIPHOTONSSorry, definition not available.
NEPHOLOGISTSnephologists n. Plural of nephologist.
NEPHOLOGIST n. a practitioner of nephology, the study of clouds.
NEPHROLOGISTnephrologist n. A physician whose speciality is nephrology.
NEPHROLOGIST n. a student of nephrology.
NITROPHILOUSnitrophilous adj. (Botany, of a plant) Thriving in a habitat rich in nitrogen.
nitrophilous adj. (Ecology, of a habitat) Rich in nitrogen.
NITROPHILOUS adj. of plants, growing in a place where there is a good supply of nitrogen.
NONHOSPITALSnonhospitals n. Plural of nonhospital.
OENOPHILISTSoenophilists n. Plural of oenophilist.
OENOPHILIST n. lover of wine.
PHENOLOGISTSphenologists n. Plural of phenologist.
PHENOLOGIST n. a student of phenology.
PHONOLOGISTSphonologists n. Plural of phonologist.
PHONOLOGIST n. a student of phonology, the branch of linguistics that deals with systems of sounds.
PHRENOLOGISTphrenologist n. An adherent or practitioner of phrenology.
PHRENOLOGIST n. a practitioner of phrenology.
POLYPHONISTSpolyphonists n. Plural of polyphonist.
POLYPHONIST n. a contrapuntist, one who writes counterpoint.
SIPHONOSTELEsiphonostele n. (Botany) A type of stele in which the vascular tissue in the stem forms a cylinder surrounding a central…
SIPHONOSTELE n. the cylinder of conducting tissue surrounding a central core of pith in certain stems.
SULPHONATIONsulphonation n. Alternative spelling of sulfonation.
SULPHONATION n. the act of sulphonating.
XYLOPHONISTSxylophonists n. Plural of xylophonist.
XYLOPHONIST n. one who plays the xylophone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 73 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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