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There are 17 words containing H, I, L, M, 2R, T and Y

CHLORIMETRYchlorimetry n. Alternative form of chlorometry.
CHLORIMETRY n. measurement by chlorimeter.
ERYTHRISMALerythrismal adj. Having an abnormally prevalent red pigmentation, having the condition erythrism.
ERYTHRISMAL adj. suffering from erythrism, also ERYTHRISTIC.
THIMBLEBERRYthimbleberry n. Rubus parviflorus, a species of Rubus, native to western and northern North America, from Alaska east…
thimbleberry n. The fruit of the above plant.
thimbleberry n. The black raspberry, Rubus occidentalis.
HYDROMETRICALhydrometrical adj. Concerning or applying hydrometry.
HYDROMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by hydrometer, also HYDROMETRIC.
HYGROMETRICALhygrometrical adj. Alternative form of hygrometric.
HYGROMETRICAL adj. relating to hygrometry, also HYGROMETRIC.
HYPERMETRICALhypermetrical adj. Hypermetric.
HYPERMETRICAL adj. of or like hypermeter.
PYRHELIOMETERpyrheliometer n. A device that measures the intensity of solar radiation received on the surface of the earth.
PYRHELIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the heating effect of the sun.
AMPHIPROSTYLARamphiprostylar adj. Amphiprostyle.
AMPHIPROSTYLAR adj. of or like an amphiprostyle.
LACHRYMATORIESlachrymatories n. Plural of lachrymatory.
LACHRYMATORY n. a narrow-necked vase; a tear-bottle.
PYRHELIOMETERSpyrheliometers n. Plural of pyrheliometer.
PYRHELIOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the heating effect of the sun.
PYRHELIOMETRICpyrheliometric adj. Relating to pyrheliometry.
PYRHELIOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by pyrheliometer, an instrument for measuring the heating effect of the sun.
ERYTHROMELALGIAerythromelalgia n. A rare neurovascular peripheral pain disorder in which blood vessels, usually in the lower extremities…
ERYTHROMELALGIA n. a state of excessive dilation of the superficial blood vessels of the feet or hands.
HYDROMETRICALLYhydrometrically adv. By means of hydrometry.
HYDROMETRICAL adv. relating to measurement by hydrometer, also HYDROMETRIC.
HYGROMETRICALLYhygrometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, hygrometry.
HYGROMETRICAL adv. relating to hygrometry, also HYGROMETRIC.
HYPERMETROPICALhypermetropical adj. Synonym of hypermetropic.
METHYLMERCURIESmethylmercuries n. Plural of methylmercury.
methyl␣mercuries n. Plural of methyl mercury.
METHYLMERCURY n. any of several extremely toxic organometallic compounds formed from metallic mercury by the action of microorganisms.
PSYCHROMETRICALpsychrometrical adj. Psychrometric.
PSYCHROMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by psychrometer, also PSYCHOMETRIC, PSYCHOMETRICAL, PSYCHROMETRIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 554 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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