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There are 19 words containing H, I, 2L, M, N, T and Y

ANTICHLAMYDIALantichlamydial adj. (Pharmacology) Acting against chlamydia.
antichlamydial n. Such a drug.
DIMETHYLANILINEdimethylaniline n. (Organic chemistry) The tertiary amine C6H5N(CH3)2 used in the manufacture of the explosive tetryl.
DIMETHYLANILINE n. an oily liquid, aniline heated with methyl alcohol and hydrochloric acid, from which dyes are obtained.
ENDOTHERMICALLYendothermically adv. In an endothermic manner.
ENDOTHERMIC adv. characterized by or formed with absorption of heat, also ENDOTHERMAL.
HARMONISTICALLYharmonistically adv. In a harmonistic manner.
HARMONISTIC adv. relating to harmony.
HELMINTHOLOGYhelminthology n. (Zoology) The branch of zoology related to the study of helminths (parasitic worms).
HELMINTHOLOGY n. the study of parasitic worms.
HEMICRYSTALLINEHEMICRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals in a glassy or partly glassy groundmass.
HERMENEUTICALLYhermeneutically adv. In a hermeneutical way.
HERMENEUTICAL adv. interpretive or explanatory, also HERMENEUTIC.
HOMOCENTRICALLYHOMOCENTRIC adv. having the same central or focal point.
HUMANISTICALLYhumanistically adv. In a humanistic way.
HUMANISTIC adv. relating to humanism.
HUMILIATINGLYhumiliatingly adv. In a humiliating manner.
HUMILIATING adv. HUMILIATE, to humble, to mortify.
MECHANISTICALLYmechanistically adv. In a mechanistic, impersonal or automatic manner.
mechanistically adv. (Not comparable) In terms of a mechanism.
MECHANISTIC adv. relating to mechanism.
MONOLITHICALLYmonolithically adv. In a monolithic manner.
MONOLITHIC adv. of or like a monolith.
PHANTASMICALLYphantasmically adv. In a phantasmic way.
PHANTASMICAL adv. of the nature of a phantasm, also PHANTASMAL, PHANTASMIC.
PHONEMATICALLYphonematically adv. In a phonematic way.
PHONEMATIC adv. relating to a phoneme.
PLATYHELMINTHplatyhelminth n. Any flatworm of the phylum Platyhelminthes.
PLATYHELMINTH n. a tapeworm or planarian.
PLATYHELMINTHICplatyhelminthic adj. Of or relating to the platyhelminths.
PLATYHELMINTHIC adj. of or like a platyhelminth.
PLATYHELMINTHSplatyhelminths n. Plural of platyhelminth.
PLATYHELMINTH n. a tapeworm or planarian.
UNEMPHATICALLYunemphatically adv. In a way that is not emphatic.
UNEMPHATIC adv. not emphatic.
UNRHYTHMICALLYunrhythmically adv. In an unrhythmic or unrhythmical manner.
UNRHYTHMICAL adv. not rhythmical, also UNRHYTHMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 616 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
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