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There are 17 words containing H, I, 2L, M, N, R and Y

ENDOTHERMICALLYendothermically adv. In an endothermic manner.
ENDOTHERMIC adv. characterized by or formed with absorption of heat, also ENDOTHERMAL.
ENHARMONICALLYenharmonically adv. (Music) In an enharmonic manner.
ENHARMONICAL adv. relating to music constructed on a scale containing intervals of less than a semitone, also ENHARMONIC.
GRAMOPHONICALLYgramophonically adv. By means of a gramophone.
GRAMOPHONIC adv. relating to gramophones.
HARMONICALLYharmonically adv. In a harmonic manner.
HARMONICAL adv. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
HARMONISTICALLYharmonistically adv. In a harmonistic manner.
HARMONISTIC adv. relating to harmony.
HEMICRYSTALLINEHEMICRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals in a glassy or partly glassy groundmass.
HERMENEUTICALLYhermeneutically adv. In a hermeneutical way.
HERMENEUTICAL adv. interpretive or explanatory, also HERMENEUTIC.
HOMOCENTRICALLYHOMOCENTRIC adv. having the same central or focal point.
MILLIHENRYmillihenry n. A unit of measure, one thousandth of a henry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
MILLIHENRYSmillihenrys n. Plural of millihenry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
MONARCHICALLYmonarchically adv. In a monarchic or monarchical fashion.
MONARCHICAL adv. relating to monarchy, also MONARCHIAL.
MONOGRAPHICALLYmonographically adv. In a monographic manner; in the manner of a scholarly book or a treatise on a single subject or group of subjects.
MONOGRAPHICAL adv. of or like a monograph, also MONOGRAPHIC.
NOMOGRAPHICALLYnomographically adv. In a nomographic manner.
NOMOGRAPHICAL adv. of or like a nomograph, also NOMOGRAPHIC.
OVERWHELMINGLYoverwhelmingly adv. In an overwhelming manner; very greatly or intensely.
overwhelmingly adv. Mostly; predominantly; almost completely.
OVERWHELMING adv. crushing.
PHONOGRAMICALLYPHONOGRAMIC adv. like a phonogram, a character representing a sound, also PHONOGRAMMIC.
UNRHYTHMICALLYunrhythmically adv. In an unrhythmic or unrhythmical manner.
UNRHYTHMICAL adv. not rhythmical, also UNRHYTHMIC.
XENOMORPHICALLYXENOMORPHIC adv. having a form not its own.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 428 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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