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There are 15 words containing H, 2I, 2L, M, S and Y

AMINOPHYLLINESaminophyllines n. Plural of aminophylline.
AMINOPHYLLINE n. a drug used to stimulate the heart and to dilate the air passages.
BLIMPISHLYblimpishly adv. In a blimpish manner.
BLIMPISH adv. like Colonel Blimp, pompous.
EMBELLISHINGLYembellishingly adv. So as to embellish.
EMBELLISHING adv. EMBELLISH, to add beauty to.
EUPHEMISTICALLYeuphemistically adv. In a euphemistic manner.
EUPHEMISTIC adv. relating to euphemism.
HARMONISTICALLYharmonistically adv. In a harmonistic manner.
HARMONISTIC adv. relating to harmony.
HEMICRYSTALLINEHEMICRYSTALLINE adj. consisting of crystals in a glassy or partly glassy groundmass.
HISTOCHEMICALLYhistochemically adv. By the use of histochemistry.
HISTOCHEMICAL adv. relating to histochemistry, the chemistry of living tissues.
HUMANISTICALLYhumanistically adv. In a humanistic way.
HUMANISTIC adv. relating to humanism.
ISOMORPHICALLYisomorphically adv. In an isomorphic manner.
ISOMORPHIC adv. of the same form or appearance.
MASOCHISTICALLYmasochistically adv. In a masochistic manner.
MASOCHISTIC adv. relating to masochism.
MECHANISTICALLYmechanistically adv. In a mechanistic, impersonal or automatic manner.
mechanistically adv. (Not comparable) In terms of a mechanism.
MECHANISTIC adv. relating to mechanism.
MICROPHYSICALLYmicrophysically adv. In terms of microphysics.
MICROPHYSICAL adv. relating to microphysics.
MILLIHENRYSmillihenrys n. Plural of millihenry.
MILLIHENRY n. a thousandth of a henry.
SCHISMATICALLYschismatically adv. In a schismatic way.
SCHISMATICAL adv. relating to a schism, also SCHISMATIC.
WHIMSICALLYwhimsically adv. In a whimsical manner.
WHIMSICAL adv. full of whims, odd, fantastical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 345 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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