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There are 18 words containing H, 4I, L, N and S

ANNIHILATIONISMannihilationism n. (Theology) The Christian doctrine that sinners are permanently destroyed rather than being confined to Hell.
annihilationism n. (Politics) Advocacy of, or a policy of, annihilating a certain (racial, religious, etc) group; eliminationism.
ANNIHILATIONISM n. the belief that the soul (esp. of the unrepentant wicked) dies with the body.
ANTISYPHILITICantisyphilitic adj. (Pharmacology) Countering syphilis.
antisyphilitic n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that counters syphilis.
ANTISYPHILITIC n. an agent that is effective against syphilis.
ANTISYPHILITICSantisyphilitics n. Plural of antisyphilitic.
ANTISYPHILITIC n. an agent that is effective against syphilis.
DIMINISHINGLYdiminishingly adv. In a diminishing manner; becoming progressively smaller.
DIMINISHING adv. lessening.
DISHABILITATINGdishabilitating v. Present participle of dishabilitate.
DISHABILITATE v. to disqualify; to attaint.
DISHABILITATIONdishabilitation n. Disqualification.
DISHABILITATION n. disqualification.
HISPANIOLISINGHispaniolising v. Present participle of Hispaniolise.
HISPANIOLISE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLIZE.
HISPANIOLIZINGHispaniolizing v. Present participle of Hispaniolize.
HISPANIOLIZE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLISE.
INHOSPITALITIESinhospitalities n. Plural of inhospitality.
INHOSPITALITY n. the state of being inhospitable.
LITHIFICATIONSlithifications n. Plural of lithification.
LITHIFICATION n. the process by which an unconsolidated deposit of sediments is converted in to solid rock.
LITHOTRITISINGlithotritising v. Present participle of lithotritise.
LITHOTRITISE v. to perform a lithotrity, also LITHOTRITIZE.
MACHINABILITIESmachinabilities n. Plural of machinability.
MACHINABILITY n. the state of being machinable, also MACHINEABILITY.
NIHILISTICnihilistic adj. Of or relating to nihilism.
NIHILISTIC adj. relating to nihilism.
NIHILITIESnihilities n. Plural of nihility.
NIHILITY n. the state of being nothing.
PHILISTINISMphilistinism n. A materialistic attitude accompanied by ignorance of artistic or cultural matters.
PHILISTINISM n. lack of culture, a materialistic outlook.
PHILISTINISMSphilistinisms n. Plural of philistinism.
PHILISTINISM n. lack of culture, a materialistic outlook.
PUNISHABILITIESpunishabilities n. Plural of punishability.
PUNISHABILITY n. the state of being punishable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 289 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 54 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 116 words

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