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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing H, 2I, N, O, R, T and U

ANTIAUTHORITYantiauthority adj. Opposed to authority.
ANTIAUTHORITY adj. opposed to authority.
AUTHORISATIONauthorisation n. Alternative spelling of authorization.
AUTHORISATION n. the act of authorising, also AUTHORIZATION.
AUTHORITARIANauthoritarian adj. Of, or relating to, or exhibiting strict obedience to an authority; favoring authoritarianism over civic…
authoritarian adj. Demanding obedience to authority; marked by authoritarianism; dictatorial, tyrannical.
authoritarian adj. Tending to impose one’s demands upon others as if one were an authority.
AUTHORIZATIONauthorization n. (Uncountable) Permission.
authorization n. (Countable) An act of authorizing.
authorization n. (Countable) (A document giving) formal sanction, permission or warrant.
DEINOTHERIUMSdeinotheriums n. Plural of deinotherium.
DEINOTHERIUM n. an extinct elephantine mammal with downward-curving tusks, also DEINOTHERE, DINOTHERE, DINOTHERIUM.
HARMONIUMISTSharmoniumists n. Plural of harmoniumist.
HARMONIUMIST n. one who plays the harmonium.
HARUSPICATIONharuspication n. The act or practice of divination from the entrails of animals slain in sacrifice.
HARUSPICATION n. divination by inspecting animal entrails.
HONOURABILITYhonourability n. A state or condition or being honourable.
HONOURABILITY n. the quality of being honourable, also HONORABILITY.
INHALATORIUMSINHALATORIUM n. an institution or department for administering inhalations.
ISOSTHENURIASISOSTHENURIA n. the inability to produce urine.
QUADRILLIONTHquadrillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number one quadrillion.
quadrillionth n. The person or thing in the quadrillionth position.
quadrillionth n. One of a quadrillion equal parts of a whole.
REAUTHORIZINGreauthorizing v. Present participle of reauthorize.
REAUTHORIZE v. to authorize again, also REAUTHORISE.
SOUTHERNISINGsouthernising v. Present participle of southernise.
SOUTHERNISE v. to make southern, also SOUTHERNIZE.
SOUTHERNIZINGsouthernizing v. Present participle of southernize.
SOUTHERNIZE v. to make southern, also SOUTHERNISE.
SUBINHIBITORYsubinhibitory adj. (Medicine) Describing a concentration or dosage less than an inhibitory level.
SUBINHIBITORY adj. below a level that causes inhibition.
THURIFICATIONthurification n. The act, or an instance, of burning incense.
THURIFICATION n. purification by use of a thurifer, a censer.
WHODUNNITRIESWHODUNNITRY n. the genre of whodunit writing, also WHODUNITRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 18 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 67 words

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