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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing H, I, N, O, P, R, T and Y

ANTIPHONARYantiphonary n. An antiphonal.
antiphonary adj. Pertaining to an antiphon or antiphony.
ANTIPHONARY n. a book of antiphons or of anthems, also ANTIPHONAL, ANTIPHONER.
DYSTROPHINSdystrophins n. Plural of dystrophin.
DYSTROPHIN n. a protein essential to normal muscle function, found to be lacking in muscular dystrophy sufferers.
HYPERACTIONhyperaction n. Excessive action, as of a biological system.
HYPERACTION n. abnormally high activity.
HYPERINOTIChyperinotic adj. Relating to hyperinosis.
HYPERINOTIC adj. relating to hyperinosis, excess of fibrin in the blood.
HYPERTONIAShypertonias n. Plural of hypertonia.
HYPERTONIA n. excessive (muscle) tone.
HYPNOTISERShypnotisers n. Plural of hypnotiser.
HYPNOTISER n. one who hypnotises, also HYPNOTIZER.
HYPNOTIZERShypnotizers n. Plural of hypnotizer.
HYPNOTIZER n. one who hypnotizes, also HYPNOTISER.
HYPONITRITEhyponitrite n. (Inorganic chemistry) The oxyanion of nitrogen NO- derived from hyponitrous acid; any salt containing…
HYPONITRITE n. a salt or ester of hyponitrous acid.
HYPONITROUShyponitrous adj. Of or pertaining to hyponitrous acid or its derivatives.
HYPONITROUS adj. containing or derived from nitrogen having a lower valence than in nitrous compounds.
MISANTHROPYmisanthropy n. Hatred or dislike of people or mankind.
MISANTHROPY n. a hatred or distrust of humankind.
NOTARYSHIPSnotaryships n. Plural of notaryship.
NOTARYSHIP n. the office of notary.
PERIPHYTONSperiphytons n. Plural of periphyton.
PERIPHYTON n. aquatic organisms which are attached to, or cling to, stems and leaves of rooted plants, rocks, etc.
PYROTECHNICpyrotechnic adj. Of or relating to fireworks.
pyrotechnic adj. Of or relating to the use of fire in chemistry or metallurgy.
pyrotechnic adj. Resembling fireworks.
PYRRHOTINESpyrrhotines n. Plural of pyrrhotine.
PYRRHOTINE n. magnetic pyrites, an iron sulphide, often containing nickel, also PYRRHOTITE.
REHYPNOTIZErehypnotize v. To hypnotize again.
REHYPNOTIZE v. to hypnotize again, also REHYPNOTISE.
RETINOPATHYretinopathy n. (Medicine) Non-inflammatory disease of the retina.
RETINOPATHY n. any of various noninflammatory disorders of the retina including some that cause blindness.
RHINOPLASTYrhinoplasty n. (Medicine, surgery, uncountable) A type of plastic surgery that is used to improve the function (reconstructive…
rhinoplasty n. (Countable) An instance of such surgery; one operation (procedure).
RHINOPLASTY n. plastic surgery of the nose.
THYROTROPINthyrotropin n. (Biochemistry) A thyroid-stimulating glycoprotein hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.
THYROTROPIN n. a hormone, produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which stimulates the thyroid, also THYROTROPHIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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