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There are 15 words containing H, 3R, S, T and U

ARTHROSPOROUSarthrosporous adj. Relating to arthrospores.
ARTHROSPOROUS adj. of or like an arthrospore, also ARTHROSPORIC.
FURTHERERSfurtherers n. Plural of furtherer.
FURTHERER n. one who furthers.
HURTLEBERRIEShurtleberries n. Plural of hurtleberry.
HURTLEBERRY n. another name for whortleberry, also WHORT, WHORTLE, WHORTLEBERRY.
MURTHERERSmurtherers n. Plural of murtherer.
MURTHERER n. a murderer.
PROCURATORSHIPprocuratorship n. The role or position of a procurator.
PROCURATORSHIP n. the office of procurator.
PROCURATORSHIPSprocuratorships n. Plural of procuratorship.
PROCURATORSHIP n. the office of procurator.
RUTHERFORDIUMSRUTHERFORDIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
RUTHERFORDSrutherfords n. Plural of rutherford.
RUTHERFORD n. a unit of radioactive decay equal to 1 million disintegrations per second.
SUPERTHRILLERsuperthriller n. (Informal) A particularly gripping or ambitious thriller.
SUPERTHRILLER n. an exceptional thriller.
SUPERTHRILLERSsuperthrillers n. Plural of superthriller.
SUPERTHRILLER n. an exceptional thriller.
TRANSURETHRALtransurethral adj. Performed through the urethra.
TRANSURETHRAL adj. carried out via the urethra.
TREASURERSHIPtreasurership n. The role or office of treasurer.
TREASURERSHIP n. the office of treasurer.
TREASURERSHIPStreasurerships n. Plural of treasurership.
TREASURERSHIP n. the office of treasurer.
TRUSTWORTHIERtrustworthier adj. Comparative form of trustworthy: more trustworthy.
TRUSTWORTHY adj. worthy of confidence.
TURBOCHARGERSturbochargers n. Plural of turbocharger.
TURBOCHARGER n. a centrifugal blower driven by exhaust gas turbines and used to supercharge an engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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