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There are 19 words containing H, 2N, O and 3T

PANTOTHENATEpantothenate n. (Chemistry) Any salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
PANTOTHENATE n. a salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
ETHNOBOTANISTethnobotanist n. A scholar or researcher in the field of ethnobotany.
ETHNOBOTANIST n. a student of ethnobotany.
NONATTACHMENTnonattachment n. Lack of attachment, especially freedom from attachment to worldly things or goals, as in some Eastern philosophies.
non-attachment n. Alternative form of nonattachment.
NONATTACHMENT n. absence of an attachment.
PANTOTHENATESpantothenates n. Plural of pantothenate.
PANTOTHENATE n. a salt or ester of pantothenic acid.
PHYTONUTRIENTphytonutrient n. Any substance, of plant origin, that provides nutrition; a phytochemical.
AUTHENTICATIONauthentication n. Something which validates or confirms the authenticity of something.
authentication n. (Computing) proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network.
authentication n. A hallmark or assay-mark on a piece of metalwork.
ETHNOBOTANISTSethnobotanists n. Plural of ethnobotanist.
ETHNOBOTANIST n. a student of ethnobotany.
NONATTACHMENTSnonattachments n. Plural of nonattachment.
NONATTACHMENT n. absence of an attachment.
PHYTONUTRIENTSphytonutrients n. Plural of phytonutrient.
SYNTHETIZATIONsynthetization n. Alternative form of synthesization.
SYNTHETIZATION n. the process of synthetizing, also SYNTHETISATION.
ANESTHETISATIONanesthetisation n. Alternative form of anesthetization.
ANESTHETISATION n. the process of anesthetising, also ANESTHETIZATION.
ANESTHETIZATIONanesthetization n. The administration of anesthesia.
ANESTHETIZATION n. the process of anesthetizing, also ANESTHETISATION.
AUTHENTICATIONSauthentications n. Plural of authentication.
AUTHENTICATION n. the act of authenticating.
ETHNOCENTRICITYethnocentricity n. The quality of being ethnocentric.
ETHNOCENTRICITY n. the state of being ethnocentric, also ETHNOCENTRISM.
NOTWITHSTANDINGnotwithstanding adv. Nevertheless, all the same.
notwithstanding conj. Although; despite; even though.
notwithstanding prep. In spite of, despite.
SYNTHETIZATIONSsynthetizations n. Plural of synthetization.
SYNTHETIZATION n. the process of synthetizing, also SYNTHETISATION.
TWENTYSOMETHINGtwentysomething n. A person whose age is between twenty and twenty-nine years, inclusive; someone in their twenties.
twentysomething num. Between twenty and thirty.
twenty-something num. Alternative form of twentysomething.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 1002 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 47 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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