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There are 18 words containing H, L, N, P, 2T and U

PENTATHLUMpentathlum n. Pentathlon.
PENTATHLUM n. a pentathlon.
MULTIPHOTONmultiphoton adj. Involving multiple photons.
MULTIPHOTON adj. having many photons.
LUTEOTROPHINluteotrophin n. Alternative form of luteotropin.
LUTEOTROPHIN n. another name for the hormone prolactin, also LUTEOTROPIN.
MULTIPHOTONSSorry, definition not available.
PENTATEUCHALpentateuchal adj. Of or pertaining to the Pentateuch, also known as the Torah.
Pentateuchal adj. Alternative letter-case form of pentateuchal.
PENTATEUCHAL adj. relating to the Pentateuch, the Mosaic book of the law.
TRIUMPHANTLYtriumphantly adv. In a triumphant manner.
TRIUMPHANT adv. victorious, conquering.
LUTEOTROPHINSluteotrophins n. Plural of luteotrophin.
LUTEOTROPHIN n. another name for the hormone prolactin, also LUTEOTROPIN.
POSTULANTSHIPPOSTULANTSHIP n. the office of postulant.
SULPHURETTINGsulphuretting v. Present participle of sulphuret.
SULPHURET v. to treat with sulfur, also SULFURET.
TAUTOPHONICALtautophonical adj. Pertaining to, or characterized by, tautophony; repeating the same sound.
TAUTOPHONICAL adj. relating to tautophony, also TAUTOPHONIC.
CONSULTANTSHIPconsultantship n. The role or position of a consultant.
CONSULTANTSHIP n. the state of being a consultant.
LIEUTENANTSHIPlieutenantship n. Lieutenancy.
LIEUTENANTSHIP n. the office of lieutenant.
PLECTOGNATHOUSplectognathous adj. Alternative form of plectognathic.
PLECTOGNATHOUS adj. belonging to an order of bony fishes including filefishes, also PLECTOGNATHIC.
POSTULANTSHIPSPOSTULANTSHIP n. the office of postulant.
CONSULTANTSHIPSconsultantships n. Plural of consultantship.
CONSULTANTSHIP n. the state of being a consultant.
LIEUTENANTSHIPSlieutenantships n. Plural of lieutenantship.
LIEUTENANTSHIP n. the office of lieutenant.
PHOTOJOURNALISTphotojournalist n. A journalist who uses photojournalism.
PHOTOJOURNALIST n. a practitioner of photojournalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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