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There are 16 words containing H, 3L, P and 2Y

PHYLETICALLYphyletically adv. In a phyletic manner.
phyletically adv. Regarding phylogeny.
PHYLETIC adv. relating to a phylum; according to presumed evolutionary descent.
POLYPHYLLOUSpolyphyllous adj. (Botany) Having many leaves (or flowers).
POLYPHYLLOUS adj. having the perianth leaves free.
SCLEROPHYLLYsclerophylly n. (Botany) The condition of being sclerophyllous.
SCLEROPHYLLY n. the possession of sclerophylls, hard leathery leaves.
LYMPHATICALLYlymphatically adv. By lymphatic means.
LYMPHATIC adv. relating to lymph.
HYPERBOLICALLYhyperbolically adv. In a hyperbolic manner.
HYPERBOLICAL adv. relating to a kind of mathematical curve, also HYPERBOLIC.
HYPERGOLICALLYhypergolically adv. In a hypergolic way.
HYPERGOLIC adv. igniting on contact, applied e.g. to rocket fuel which ignites spontaneously on contact with an oxidizing agent.
PHOTOLYTICALLYphotolytically adv. In a photolytic manner.
photolytically adv. By means of photolysis.
PHOTOLYTIC adv. relating to photolysis.
PHYTOLOGICALLYphytologically adv. In terms of phytology.
PHYTOLOGICAL adv. relating to phytology, botany.
POLYPHONICALLYpolyphonically adv. In a polyphonic manner; using polyphony.
POLYPHONIC adv. having a multiplicity of sounds, also POLYPHONOUS.
SYPHILITICALLYsyphilitically adv. (Medicine) In a syphilitic manner; with venereal disease.
SYPHILITIC adv. of or like syphilis, a venereal disease.
PHYSIOLOGICALLYphysiologically adv. In accordance with the science of physiology.
physiologically adv. In a manner pertaining to an organism’s physiology.
PHYSIOLOGICAL adv. relating to physiology, also PHYSIOLOGIC.
POLYGRAPHICALLYpolygraphically adv. By polygraphic means.
POLYGRAPHIC adv. relating to a polygraph.
POLYMORPHICALLYpolymorphically adv. In a polymorphic manner; having multiple manifestations.
POLYMORPHIC adv. occurring in several forms.
PSYCHEDELICALLYpsychedelically adv. In a psychedelic manner.
PSYCHEDELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHODELIC.
PSYCHODELICALLYPSYCHODELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHEDELIC.
PSYCHOLOGICALLYpsychologically adv. In a psychological sense.
psychologically adv. Employing psychology.
PSYCHOLOGICAL adv. of or relating to psychology, also PSYCHOLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 232 words
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