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There are 18 words containing H, I, N, P, S, X and Y

ASPHYXIANTasphyxiant adj. That can cause asphyxiation.
asphyxiant n. Any substance that can cause asphyxia.
ASPHYXIANT n. an agent causing asphyxiation.
ASPHYXYINGasphyxying v. Present participle of asphyxy.
ASPHYXY v. to suffer defective aeration of the blood caused by failure of the oxygen supply, also ASPHYXIA.
ANAPHYLAXISanaphylaxis n. Extreme sensitivity to a substance such as a foreign protein or drug.
anaphylaxis n. A severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen, causing a constriction of the trachea…
ANAPHYLAXIS n. an increased susceptibility to injected foreign material, also ANAPHYLAXY.
ASPHYXIANTSasphyxiants n. Plural of asphyxiant.
ASPHYXIANT n. an agent causing asphyxiation.
PHYTOTOXINSphytotoxins n. Plural of phytotoxin.
PHYTOTOXIN n. a poison produced by a plant.
XYLOPHONISTxylophonist n. Someone who plays a xylophone.
XYLOPHONIST n. one who plays the xylophone.
ANAPHYLAXIESANAPHYLAXY n. an increased susceptibility to injected foreign material, also ANAPHYLAXIS.
ASPHYXIATINGasphyxiating v. Present participle of asphyxiate.
ASPHYXIATE v. to cause asphyxia in.
ASPHYXIATIONasphyxiation n. Death due to lack of oxygen.
asphyxiation n. An acute lack of oxygen.
ASPHYXIATION n. the act of asphyxiation.
PHYTOALEXINSphytoalexins n. Plural of phytoalexin.
PHYTOALEXIN n. any substance produced by a plant as a defence against disease.
XYLOPHONISTSxylophonists n. Plural of xylophonist.
XYLOPHONIST n. one who plays the xylophone.
ASPHYXIATIONSasphyxiations n. Plural of asphyxiation.
ASPHYXIATION n. the act of asphyxiation.
HYPOXANTHINEShypoxanthines n. Plural of hypoxanthine.
HYPOXANTHINE n. a purine base found in plant and animal tissues that yields xanthine on oxidation.
PHYCOXANTHINSPHYCOXANTHIN n. a yellow pigment found in diatoms, brown seaweeds etc.
HYPEREXTENSIONhyperextension n. The extension of a joint beyond its normal range; the condition of being hyperextended.
hyperextension n. An exercise performed by lying on the stomach, ideally inclined upwards as on a Roman chair to reach…
HYPEREXTENSION n. the extension of a joint beyond its normal range.
HYDROXYPROLINEShydroxyprolines n. Plural of hydroxyproline.
HYDROXYPROLINE n. an amino acid.
HYPEREXTENSIONShyperextensions n. Plural of hyperextension.
HYPEREXTENSION n. the extension of a joint beyond its normal range.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 198 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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