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There are 19 words containing H, I, 2L, O, T and Z

ALCOHOLIZATIONalcoholization n. (Obsolete) Reduction to powder.
alcoholization n. Saturation with alcohol.
alcoholization n. Subjection to the influence of alcoholic spirits.
ALCOHOLIZATIONSalcoholizations n. Plural of alcoholization.
ALCOHOLIZATION n. the process of alcoholizing, also ALCOHOLISATION.
GAZILLIONTHgazillionth adj. (Informal) The ordinal form of the number gazillion.
gazillionth n. (Informal) The person or thing in the gazillionth position.
gazillionth n. (Informal) One of a gazillion equal parts of a whole.
HELLENIZATIONHellenization n. (North America) Alternative spelling of Hellenisation.
HELLENIZATION n. the act of hellenizing, also HELLENISATION.
HELLENIZATIONSHellenizations n. Plural of Hellenization.
HELLENIZATION n. the act of hellenizing, also HELLENISATION.
HORIZONTALLYhorizontally adv. In a horizontal direction or position.
HORIZONTAL adv. parallel to the horizon.
HYLOZOISTICALLYhylozoistically adv. In terms of hylozoism.
HYLOZOISTIC adv. relating to the belief that all matter has life.
LHERZOLITElherzolite n. (Mineralogy) A dark-green igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LHERZOLITE n. an igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LHERZOLITESlherzolites n. Plural of lherzolite.
LHERZOLITE n. an igneous rock consisting largely of chrysolite, with pyroxene and picotite.
LYOPHILIZATIONlyophilization n. Freeze-drying; the removal of moisture from a frozen material using vacuum.
LYOPHILIZATIONSlyophilizations n. Plural of lyophilization.
SCHILLERIZATIONschillerization n. (Mineralogy) The act or process of producing schiller in a mineral mass.
SCHILLERIZATION n. the process of schillerizing, also SCHILLERISATION.
SULFATHIAZOLEsulfathiazole n. (Pharmacology) A short-acting sulfa drug, a common oral and topical antimicrobial prior to the discovery…
SULFATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULPHATHIAZOLE.
SULFATHIAZOLESsulfathiazoles n. Plural of sulfathiazole.
SULFATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULPHATHIAZOLE.
SULPHATHIAZOLEsulphathiazole n. Alternative spelling of sulfathiazole.
SULPHATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULFATHIAZOLE.
SULPHATHIAZOLESsulphathiazoles n. Plural of sulphathiazole.
SULPHATHIAZOLE n. a sulphonamide formerly used in human medicine against staphylococcal infection (now only used in veterinary medicine), also SULFATHIAZOLE.
ZILLIONTHzillionth adj. (Informal) The ordinal form of the number zillion.
zillionth n. (Informal) The person or thing in the zillionth position.
zillionth n. (Informal) One of a zillion equal parts of a whole.
ZILLIONTHSzillionths n. Plural of zillionth.
ZILLIONTH n. a zillionth part of something.
ZOOPHYTOLOGICALzoophytological adj. Of or pertaining to zoophytology.
ZOOPHYTOLOGICAL adj. relating to zoophytology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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