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There are 18 words containing H, 2I, 2L and 2P

BULLWHIPPINGbullwhipping v. Present participle of bullwhip.
bullwhipping n. A beating with a bullwhip.
BULLWHIP v. to strike with a long whip.
EPIGRAPHICALLYepigraphically adv. In terms of epigraphs.
EPIGRAPHICAL adv. relating to an epigraph, also EPIGRAPHIC.
EPIPHYTICALLYepiphytically adv. In an epiphytic manner; in the manner of an epiphyte.
EPIPHYTICAL adv. of or like an epiphyte, also EPIPHYTAL, EPIPHYTIC.
FELLOWSHIPPINGfellowshipping v. Present participle of fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP v. to join in fellowship esp. with a church member.
LIPOPHILIClipophilic adj. Having the quality of dissolving in lipids.
lipophilic adj. Typically have the quality of being composed of mostly nonpolar bonds.
LIPOPHILIC adj. having an affinity for lipids.
PHILANTHROPICALphilanthropical adj. Philanthropic.
PHILANTHROPICAL adj. of, relating to, or characterized by philanthropy, also PHILANTHROPIC.
PHILLIPSITEphillipsite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral of the zeolite group, a hydrated potassium, calcium and aluminium silicate with…
PHILLIPSITE n. a hydrated silicate of potassium, calcium and aluminum.
PHILLIPSITESPHILLIPSITE n. a hydrated silicate of potassium, calcium and aluminum.
PHILOSOPHICALphilosophical adj. Of, or pertaining to, philosophy.
philosophical adj. Rational; analytic or critically-minded; thoughtful.
philosophical adj. Detached, calm, stoic.
PHILOSOPHICALLYphilosophically adv. In a philosophical manner.
PHILOSOPHICAL adv. relating to philosophy, also PHILOSOPHIC.
PHOTOMULTIPLIERphotomultiplier n. (Physics) A device, normally in the form of a tube, that uses a photocathode to convert photons into…
PHOTOMULTIPLIER n. a photocell with a series of dynodes which amplify the emission current by electron multiplication.
PLAGIOCEPHALIESplagiocephalies n. Plural of plagiocephaly.
PLAGIOCEPHALY n. a twisted condition of the head, the front of the skull being larger on one side, the back larger on the other.
POLYPHLOISBICpolyphloisbic adj. (Poetic, of the sea) noisy, roaring, thundering.
UNPHILOSOPHICALunphilosophical adj. Not philosophical.
UNPHILOSOPHICAL adj. not philosophical, also UNPHILOSOPHIC.
WHIPPOORWILLwhippoorwill n. A nocturnal insectivorous bird of North America (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus)…
whippoorwill n. The distinct call of the above bird.
whip-poor-will n. Alternative form of whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus).
WHIPPOORWILLSwhippoorwills n. Plural of whippoorwill.
whip-poor-wills n. Plural of whip-poor-will.
WHIPPOORWILL n. a species of nightjar native to North America, also POORWILL.
XIPHIPLASTRALxiphiplastral adj. Relating to a xiphiplastron.
XIPHIPLASTRAL n. a type of chelonian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 562 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 7 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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