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There are 20 words containing 2H, L, 2P and 2Y

GLYPHOGRAPHYglyphography n. A process similar to etching in which, by means of voltaic electricity, a raised copy of a drawing is…
GLYPHOGRAPHY n. a process of taking a raised copy of an engraved plate by electrotype.
HYPERPHYSICALhyperphysical adj. Supernatural, beyond the physical realm, immaterial, metaphysical.
HYPERPHYSICAL adj. supernatural.
HYPERPHYSICALLYhyperphysically adv. In a hyperphysical manner.
HYPERPHYSICAL adv. supernatural.
HYPOPHYSEALhypophyseal adj. Alternative spelling of hypophysial.
HYPOPHYSEAL adj. relating to the pituitary gland.
HYPOPHYSIALhypophysial adj. Of or pertaining to the hypophysis (the pituitary gland).
HYPOPHYSIAL adj. relating to the pituitary gland.
HYPSOPHYLLhypsophyll n. (Botany) A bract or bracteole.
hypsophyll n. (Botany, archaic) Any of the flower parts derived from leaves, including petals, sepals, tepals, and bracts.
HYPSOPHYLL n. a bract.
HYPSOPHYLLARYHYPSOPHYLLARY adj. of or like a hypsophyll, a bract.
HYPSOPHYLLShypsophylls n. Plural of hypsophyll.
HYPSOPHYLL n. a bract.
LYMPHADENOPATHYlymphadenopathy n. (Medicine) An abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes; it is often a nonspecific sign of infection but…
LYMPHADENOPATHY n. abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes.
LYMPHOGRAPHYlymphography n. A medical imaging technique using a radiocontrast agent to visualize structures of the lymphatic system.
lymphography n. (Dated) A description of the lymphatic vessels, their origin and uses.
LYMPHOGRAPHY n. radiography of the lymph glands.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGYpathophysiology n. (Pathology) The physiological processes associated with disease or injury.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY n. the physiology of abnormal states.
PHOTOGLYPHYphotoglyphy n. Photoglyphic engraving.
PHOTOGLYPHY n. photography by photoglyph.
PHOTOXYLOGRAPHYphotoxylography n. A process in which a photograph is printed on wood to use as a template for engraving.
PHOTOXYLOGRAPHY n. wood engraving after a photographic impression on a woodblock.
PHYSIOPATHOLOGYphysiopathology n. Pathophysiology: the physiological processes associated with disease or injury, or the study thereof.
PHYSIOPATHOLOGY n. a branch of biology or medicine that combines physiology and pathology esp. in the study of altered bodily function in disease.
PHYTOPATHOLOGYphytopathology n. The study of plant diseases; plant pathology.
PHYTOPATHOLOGY n. plant pathology.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHYplethysmography n. (Medicine) The diagnostic use of a plethysmograph.
PLETHYSMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of a plethysmograph, an instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow.
PSYCHOPATHOLOGYpsychopathology n. (Medicine, pathology) The study of the origin, development, diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioural…
psychopathology n. (Countable) A mental or behavioral disorder.
PSYCHOPATHOLOGY n. the study of mental illness.
PSYCHOPHILYpsychophily n. Pollination by butterflies.
PSYCHOPHILY n. pollination by butterflies.
PSYCHOPHYSICALpsychophysical adj. Of or pertaining to psychophysics.
psychophysical adj. Psychosomatic.
PSYCHOPHYSICAL adj. of or relating to psychophysics.
STAPHYLORRHAPHYstaphylorrhaphy n. The operation of uniting a cleft palate by paring and bringing together the edges of the cleft.
STAPHYLORRHAPHY n. the operation of uniting a cleft palate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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