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There are 16 words containing 2H, 2I, N and 2R

TICHORRHINEtichorrhine adj. (Paleontology, used to describe a fossil rhinoceros) Having a vertical bony medial septum supporting the nose.
TICHORRHINE n. a fossil woolly rhinoceros with a bony nasal septum.
RHINORRHAGIArhinorrhagia n. A profuse nosebleed.
RHINORRHAGIA n. nosebleeding.
TICHORRHINESTICHORRHINE n. a fossil woolly rhinoceros with a bony nasal septum.
HIERARCHISINGhierarchising v. Present participle of hierarchise.
HIERARCHISE v. to make hierarchical, also HIERARCHIZE.
HIERARCHIZINGhierarchizing v. Present participle of hierarchize.
HIERARCHIZE v. to make hierarchical, also HIERARCHISE.
RHINORRHAGIASrhinorrhagias n. Plural of rhinorrhagia.
RHINORRHAGIA n. nosebleeding.
ANTIARRHYTHMIAantiarrhythmia adj. Alternative form of antiarrhythmic.
ANTIARRHYTHMICantiarrhythmic adj. (Pharmacology) Used to treat or prevent (heart) arrhythmia (irregular beat).
antiarrhythmic n. (Pharmacology) A drug that treats or prevents (heart) arrhythmia (irregular beat).
ANTIARRHYTHMIC adj. tending to prevent or relieve cardiac arrhythmia.
ORNITHOMORPHICornithomorphic adj. Shaped like a bird.
ORNITHOMORPHIC adj. shaped like bird.
THERIANTHROPICtherianthropic adj. Having both human and animal forms.
THERIANTHROPIC adj. combining human and animal forms.
ANTIARRHYTHMICSantiarrhythmics n. Plural of antiarrhythmic.
ANTIARRHYTHMIC n. a drug to prevent cardiac arrhythmia.
EPICHLOROHYDRINepichlorohydrin n. (Chemistry) Any epihalohydrin in which the halogen is chlorine.
EPICHLOROHYDRIN n. a volatile liquid toxic epoxide used esp. in making epoxy resins and rubbers.
HERNIORRHAPHIESherniorrhaphies n. Plural of herniorrhaphy.
HERNIORRHAPHY n. the surgical repair of a hernia by an operation involving suturing.
HIERARCHIZATIONhierarchization n. The act or result of hierarchizing; the establishment of a hierarchy.
NONHIERARCHICALnonhierarchical adj. Classified or arranged so that a group or person has the same authority as everyone else; not hierarchical.
NONHIERARCHICAL adj. not hierarchical.
THERIANTHROPISMtherianthropism n. The representation of deities in combined human and animal form.
THERIANTHROPISM n. the representation or worship of therianthropic forms or gods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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