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There are 18 nine-letter words containing H, I, 2O, P, S and T

BIOTROPHSbiotrophs n. Plural of biotroph.
BIOTROPH n. a parasitic organism such as a fungus.
HOOPSKIRThoopskirt n. Alternative spelling of hoop skirt.
hoop␣skirt n. A women’s undergarment worn in various historical periods to hold the skirt extended into a fashionable…
HOOPSKIRT n. a skirt stiffened with or as if with a hoop.
HOROPITOSHOROPITO n. (Maori) a bushy New Zealand shrub, with red aromatic peppery leaves.
ISOPHOTALisophotal adj. Of or pertaining to isophotes.
ISOPHOTAL adj. relating to an isophote, a line connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source.
ISOPHOTESisophotes n. Plural of isophote.
ISOPHOTE n. a line on an image of a galaxy, nebula or other celestial object connecting points of equal light intensity from a given source.
LOPOLITHSlopoliths n. Plural of lopolith.
LOPOLITH n. a lens-shaped body of igneous rock.
MOTORSHIPmotor␣ship n. (Nautical) A seagoing vessel powered by an internal combustion engine, usually a diesel. Compare with steamship.
MOTORSHIP n. a ship with a motor.
PHILOMOTSPHILOMOT n. (French) a dull brown colour, also FILEMOT, PHILAMOT.
PHOTODISKphotodisk n. (Astronomy) The circular area of an astronomical object that emits light.
PHOTODISK n. a disk for use in a computer that contains photographs or can have photographs stored on it in a digitally coded manner.
PHOTOFITSphotofits n. Plural of photofit.
PHOTOFIT n. (tradename) a method of building up a picture of a person by assembling a number of photographs of individual facial features.
PHOTONICSphotonics n. (Sciences) The science and technology of generating and controlling photons, particularly in the visible…
PHOTONICS n. the study of the application of photons e.g. in communications technology.
PHOTOPIASPHOTOPIA n. vision in illumination similar to daylight, believed to involve chiefly the cones of the retina.
PHOTOPSIAphotopsia n. (Medicine) The presence of perceived flashes of light.
PHOTOPSIA n. the appearance of light flashes due to retinal irritation, also PHOTOPSY.
POORTITHSPOORTITH n. (Scots) poverty, also PUIRTITH.
SCOTOPHILscotophil n. The phase of a two-phase circadian rhythm associated with dark and relaxation or regeneration.
SCOTOPHIL adj. liking darkness.
SOCIOPATHsociopath n. A person with an antisocial personality disorder.
SOCIOPATH n. a person hostile to society.
STROPHOIDstrophoid n. (Geometry) The locus of a point that has a certain relationship with a given curve.
STROPHOID n. a type of curve on a graph.
TROOPSHIPtroopship n. A ship used to transport military troops.
TROOPSHIP n. a ship for carrying troops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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