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There are 16 nine-letter words containing H, I, N, O, P, T and Y

ANTIPHONYantiphony n. (Music, singing) alternate, or responsive singing by a choir split into two parts; a piece sung or chanted…
antiphony n. Alternate, or responsive ideas or opinions; juxtaposition.
ANTIPHONY n. antiphonal chanting or singing.
HYPNOTICShypnotics n. Plural of hypnotic.
HYPNOTIC n. a soporific; a person in a state of hypnosis.
HYPNOTISEhypnotise v. (Transitive) To induce a state of hypnosis in.
HYPNOTISE v. to put in a state of hypnosis, also HYPNOTIZE.
HYPNOTISMhypnotism n. The art of inducing hypnosis.
HYPNOTISM n. the science or practice of hypnosis.
HYPNOTISThypnotist n. A person who uses hypnotism to induce hypnosis in someone, either for entertainment or therapy.
HYPNOTIST n. one who practises hypnotism.
HYPNOTIZEhypnotize v. (Transitive) To induce a state of hypnosis in.
HYPNOTIZE v. to put in a state of hypnosis, also HYPNOTISE.
HYPNOTOIDhypnotoid adj. Resembling hypnotism.
HYPNOTOID adj. like hypnosis.
HYPOTONIAhypotonia n. An abnormal loss of muscle tone.
HYPOTONIA n. a hypnotic condition.
HYPOTONIChypotonic adj. (Of a solution) Having a lower osmotic pressure than another.
hypotonic adj. (Medicine) Showing less than normal tension in the muscles or muscle tissue.
HYPOTONIC adj. of muscles, lacking normal tone.
NEOPHYTICneophytic adj. (Biology) Being or relating to a neophyte.
NEOPHYTIC adj. of or like a neophyte, a person who is new to a subject.
NOTAPHILYnotaphily n. The study or collecting of paper money or banknotes.
NOTAPHILY n. the collecting of banknotes and cheques as a hobby, also NOTAPHILISM.
PHENYTOINphenytoin n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic compound related to hydantoin, used as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of epilepsy.
PHENYTOIN n. a crystalline anticonvulsant compound.
POLYANTHIpolyanthi n. Plural of polyanthus.
POLYANTHUS n. the oxlip, so called because the peduncle bears a many-flowered umbel.
TROPHYINGtrophying v. Present participle of trophy.
TROPHY v. to honour with a symbol of victory.
TYPHOIDINtyphoidin n. A substance produced by culturing typhoid bacilli that is used to indicate the presence of typhoid fever.
TYPHOIDIN n. a culture of dead typhoid bacillus for injection into the skin as a test for typhoid fever.
TYPHONIANTyphonian adj. Of or relating to Typhon or, by interpretatio graeca, his Egyptian equivalent Set.
TYPHONIAN adj. relating to a whirlwind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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