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There are 17 nine-letter words containing H, I, M, R, 2S and T

CHARTISMSChartisms prop.n. Plural of Chartism.
CHARTISM n. the use of charts in the study of future trends.
CHRISTOMSchristoms n. Plural of christom.
CHRISTOM n. a white robe put on a newly baptised child, also CHRISOM.
ERETHISMSerethisms n. Plural of erethism.
ERETHISM n. abnormal irritability.
ETHERISMSETHERISM n. addiction to ether.
HERMITESShermitess n. A female hermit.
HERMITESS n. a female hermit.
HIRSUTISMhirsutism n. (Dermatology) Excessive and increased hair growth in locations where terminal hair is normally minimal or absent.
HIRSUTISM n. the state of being hirsute, hairy.
HISTORISMhistorism n. (Historiography) An influential 19th-century school of thought in historiography that rejected universalist…
HISTORISM n. the belief that all phenomena are historically determined, also HISTORICISM.
HUMORISTShumorists n. Plural of humorist.
HUMORIST n. someone with a sense of humor.
ISARITHMSisarithms n. Plural of isarithm.
ISARITHM n. a line on a map passing through places of the same density of population.
ISOTHERMSisotherms n. Plural of isotherm.
ISOTHERM n. a line on a map connecting points of equal average temperature, also ISOTHERMAL.
MARSHIESTmarshiest adj. Superlative form of marshy: most marshy.
MARSHY adj. resembling a marsh.
MIRTHLESSmirthless adj. Lacking mirth; devoid of joy; sad.
MIRTHLESS adj. without mirth.
MISBIRTHSmisbirths n. Plural of misbirth.
MISBIRTH n. (archaic) an abortion.
MISTHROWSmisthrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misthrow.
misthrows n. Plural of misthrow.
MISTHROW v. to throw errantly.
MISTRUTHSmistruths n. Plural of mistruth.
MISTRUTH n. a lie.
RIGHTISMSrightisms n. Plural of rightism.
RIGHTISM n. conservative political philosophy.
SHITSTORMshitstorm n. (Slang, derogatory, vulgar) A chaotic and unpleasant or violent situation.
shitstorm n. (Idiomatic, vulgar) Considerable backlash from the public.
SHITSTORM n. (vulgar slang) a situation marked by violent controversy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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