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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing H, I, L, O, S and 2T

CYSTOLITHcystolith n. (Botany) A concretion of mineral matter within a leaf or other part of a plant.
cystolith n. (Medicine) A urinary calculus.
CYSTOLITH n. a hard mineralized ingrowth of the wall of cells in the epidermis of certain plants.
HELIOSTATheliostat n. A device that includes a plane mirror which turns so as to keep reflecting sunlight toward a predetermined…
HELIOSTAT n. an instrument using a mirror to reflect sunlight in a fixed direction, used for studying the sun or signalling messages.
HOSTILITYhostility n. (Uncountable) The state of being hostile.
hostility n. (Countable) A hostile action, especially a military action. See hostilities for specific plural definition.
HOSTILITY n. the state of being hostile.
LITHOCYSTlithocyst n. (Zoology) A sac containing otoliths, found in medusae and other invertebrates.
LITHOCYST n. a cell containing a cystolith, a hard mineralized ingrowth of the wall of cells in the epidermis of certain plants.
SHORTLISTshortlist n. Alternative spelling of short list.
shortlist v. To place something on a short list.
short-list n. Alternative spelling of short list.
SOTTISHLYsottishly adv. In a sottish manner.
SOTTISH adv. resembling a sot.
SPOTLIGHTspotlight n. A bright, directional light or lamp, especially one used to illuminate the focus or center of attention on a stage.
spotlight n. (By extension) The circle of light shed by a spotlight.
spotlight n. (Figurative) The center of attention; the highlight or most important part.
STATOLITHstatolith n. A specialized form of amyloplast involved in graviperception by plant roots and most invertebrates.
STATOLITH n. a small calcareous stone used by invertebrates to maintain equilibrium.
STOPLIGHTstoplight n. (US) A traffic control signal, traditionally consisting of three lights, colored green, yellow/amber…
stoplight n. A light on the rear of a vehicle that is activated when braking; a brake light.
stop␣light n. Alternative form of stoplight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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