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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing H, 2I, P, 2S and T

EPITHESISepithesis n. (Linguistics) The addition of a letter or sound at the end of a word, without changing its meaning.
epithesis n. (Medicine) The surgical correction of deformity or of crooked limbs.
epithesis n. (Medicine) A splint or other appliance to be worn.
PHTHISICSphthisics n. Plural of phthisic.
PHTHISIC n. a disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIS.
PHYSICISTphysicist n. A person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics, especially at a professional level.
physicist n. (Archaic) A believer in the theory that the fundamental phenomena of life are to be explained upon purely…
PHYSICIST n. an expert in or student of physics.
PISOLITHSpisoliths n. Plural of pisolith.
PISOLITH n. a limestone with pea sized formations in circles, also PISOLITE.
PITHINESSpithiness n. The condition of being pithy.
PITHINESS n. the state of being pithy.
SAINTSHIPsaintship n. The characteristics and position of a saint.
SAINTSHIP n. the character or qualities of a saint.
SHIPTIMESSHIPTIME n. the annual arrival of a supply ship.
SOPHISTICsophistic adj. Pertaining to the ancient sophists.
sophistic adj. Sophistical.
sophistic n. (Historical, philosophy) The sophists of antiquity, in general or of a specific period; their beliefs and method.
TWINSHIPStwinships n. Plural of twinship.
twin-ships n. Plural of twin-ship.
twin␣ships n. Plural of twin ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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