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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing H, I, 2N, 2R and S

CHONDROCRANIUMSCHONDROCRANIUM n. the cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium.
CHONDROPHORINESCHONDROPHORINE n. a member of the Chondrophora, a suborder of hydrozoans similar to medusae but with a different internal structure.
FORESHORTENINGSforeshortenings n. Plural of foreshortening.
FORESHORTENING n. a shortening by proportionately contracting in the direction of depth so that an illusion of projection or extension in space is obtained.
NOREPINEPHRINESnorepinephrines n. Plural of norepinephrine.
NOREPINEPHRINE n. (US) a neurotransmitter hormone related to adrenalin, produced by the adrenal glands.
NORETHISTERONESNORETHISTERONE n. a molecule used in some combined oral contraceptive pills.
NORTHERLINESSESNORTHERLINESS n. the state of being northerly.
ORGANOCHLORINESorganochlorines n. Plural of organochlorine.
ORGANOCHLORINE n. a compound of chlorine and an organic radical.
ORNITHORHYNCHUSornithorhynchus n. A platypus (genus Ornithorhynchus).
Ornithorhynchus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ornithorhynchidae – the single species Ornithorhynchus anatinus…
ORNITHORHYNCHUS n. the duckbill platypus.
OVERNOURISHMENTovernourishment n. Excessive nourishment.
PHRASEMONGERINGphrasemongering v. Present participle of phrasemonger.
PHRASEMONGERING n. the making of fine phrases.
RESTRENGTHENINGrestrengthening v. Present participle of restrengthen.
RESTRENGTHEN v. to strengthen again.
RESYNCHRONISINGresynchronising v. Present participle of resynchronise.
RESYNCHRONISE v. to synchronise again, also RESYNCHRONIZE.
RESYNCHRONIZINGresynchronizing v. Present participle of resynchronize.
RESYNCHRONIZE v. to synchronise again, also RESYNCHRONISE.
SCRIMSHANDERINGscrimshandering v. Present participle of scrimshander.
SCRIMSHANDER v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDY, SCRIMSHAW.
THUNDERSTRICKENthunderstricken v. Past participle of thunderstrike.
thunderstricken adj. Thunderstruck.
THUNDERSTRIKE v. to strike dumb.
THUNDERSTRIKINGthunderstriking v. Present participle of thunderstrike.
thunderstriking adj. (Rare) Causing great amazement or shock.
THUNDERSTRIKE v. to strike dumb.
TRINITROPHENOLSTRINITROPHENOL n. a similar derivative of phenol, esp. picric acid.
UNDERNOURISHINGundernourishing v. Present participle of undernourish.
UNDERNOURISH v. to nourish insufficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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