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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing 2H, I, N, R, S and Y

ANTHROPOPSYCHICANTHROPOPSYCHIC adj. ascribing to nature or God of a soul or mind like man's.
ANTIARRHYTHMICSantiarrhythmics n. Plural of antiarrhythmic.
ANTIARRHYTHMIC n. a drug to prevent cardiac arrhythmia.
CHONDRICHTHYANSchondrichthyans n. Plural of chondrichthyan.
CHONDRICHTHYAN n. a technical name for a cartilaginous fish.
HYPNOTHERAPISTShypnotherapists n. Plural of hypnotherapist.
HYPNOTHERAPIST n. one who practises hypnotherapy.
HYPOCHONDRIASEShypochondriases n. Plural of hypochondriasis.
HYPOCHONDRIASIS n. morbid concern about one's health esp. when accompanied by delusions of physical disease.
HYPOCHONDRIASIShypochondriasis n. (Medicine) A mental disorder characterized by excessive fear of or preoccupation with a serious illness…
HYPOCHONDRIASIS n. morbid concern about one's health esp. when accompanied by delusions of physical disease.
HYPOCHONDRIASTShypochondriasts n. Plural of hypochondriast.
HYPOCHONDRIAST n. a hypochondriac.
ICHTHYOSAURIANSichthyosaurians n. Plural of ichthyosaurian.
ICHTHYOSAURIAN n. a large fossil marine reptile, also ICHTHYOSAUR, ICHTHYOSAURUS.
LITHONTHRYPTICSlithonthryptics n. Plural of lithonthryptic.
LITHONTHRYPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTRIPTIC, LITHOTRIPTIC.
NEUROHYPOPHYSISneurohypophysis n. (Anatomy) The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, responsible for the release of oxytocin and antidiuretic…
NEUROHYPOPHYSIS n. the portion of the pituitary gland that is composed of the infundibulum and posterior lobe and is concerned with the secretion of various hormones.
ORNITHORHYNCHUSornithorhynchus n. A platypus (genus Ornithorhynchus).
Ornithorhynchus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ornithorhynchidae – the single species Ornithorhynchus anatinus…
ORNITHORHYNCHUS n. the duckbill platypus.
PHENYLTHIOUREASphenylthioureas n. Plural of phenylthiourea.
PHENYLTHIOUREA n. a crystalline compound used to test for the presence of a certain dominant gene (the compound tasting bitter to those who possess the gene).
PHOSPHORYLATINGphosphorylating v. Present participle of phosphorylate.
phosphorylating adj. That phosphorylates.
PHOSPHORYLATE v. to cause (an organic compound) to take up or combine with phosphoric acid or a phosphorus-containing group.
PHOSPHORYLATIONphosphorylation n. (Biochemistry) the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor; often catalysed by enzymes.
PHOSPHORYLATION n. the process of phosphorylating a chemical compound.
PSYCHOHISTORIANpsychohistorian n. One who is involved in the field of psychohistory.
PSYCHOHISTORIAN n. a student of psychohistory.
THIRTYSOMETHINGthirtysomething n. A tricenarian: a person in their thirties, a person aged between 30 and 39 years (inclusive).
thirtysomething adj. Between 30 and 39 years of age.
thirtysomething adj. Between 30 and 39 in number.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 84 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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