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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2H, I, P, 2T and Y

ANTHOPHYLLITESanthophyllites n. Plural of anthophyllite.
ANTHOPHYLLITE n. an orthorhombic ferromagnesian amphibole which occurs usually as fibrous or asbestiform masses.
HISTOPATHOLOGYhistopathology n. (Biology) The microscopic study of tissue, especially of abnormal tissue as a result of disease.
HISTOPATHOLOGY n. the study of the effects of disease on tissues.
HYDROTHERAPISThydrotherapist n. A therapist who performs hydrotherapy.
HYDROTHERAPIST n. a practitioner of hydrotherapy.
HYPERAESTHETIChyperaesthetic adj. Alternative form of hyperesthetic.
hyperæsthetic adj. Obsolete form of hyperesthetic.
HYPERAESTHETIC adj. excessively sensitive, also HYPERAESTHESIC.
HYPERSTHENITEShypersthenites n. Plural of hypersthenite.
HYPERSTHENITE n. a pyroxenite composed almost wholly of hypersthene.
HYPNOTHERAPISThypnotherapist n. A practitioner of hypnotherapy.
HYPNOTHERAPIST n. one who practises hypnotherapy.
HYPOTHECATIONShypothecations n. Plural of hypothecation.
HYPOTHECATION n. the act of taking a mortgage.
HYPOTHETICALLYhypothetically adv. In a hypothetical way; as a hypothesis.
hypothetically adv. Used to introduce a proposition to discussion without commitment to its truth.
HYPOTHETICAL adv. being or involving a hypothesis.
ICHTHYOPHAGISTichthyophagist n. An eater of fish.
ICHTHYOPHAGIST n. one who eats fish.
LITHONTHRYPTIClithonthryptic adj. Alternative form of lithontriptic.
lithonthryptic n. Alternative form of lithontriptic.
LITHONTHRYPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTRIPTIC, LITHOTRIPTIC.
PHOTOCHEMISTRYphotochemistry n. (Chemistry) The study of photochemical reactions.
PHOTOCHEMISTRY n. science, processes and properties of chemical changes effected by light.
PHOTOSYNTHESISphotosynthesis n. (Biology) Any process by which plants and other photoautotrophs convert light energy into chemical energy…
PHOTOSYNTHESIS n. the biochemical process in which light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, and is used to fuel the building of sugar molecules.
PHOTOSYNTHETICphotosynthetic adj. Of, relating to, or employing photosynthesis.
PHOTOSYNTHETIC adj. relating to photosynthesis.
PHYTOCHEMISTRYphytochemistry n. (Chemistry, botany) The scientific study of the chemicals found in plants.
phytochemistry n. (Botany) The collection of chemicals and chemical processes found in a particular plant.
PHYTOCHEMISTRY n. the chemistry of plants.
PHYTOTHERAPIESphytotherapies n. Plural of phytotherapy.
PHYTOTHERAPY n. the treatment of the diseases of plants.
PLATYHELMINTHSplatyhelminths n. Plural of platyhelminth.
PLATYHELMINTH n. a tapeworm or planarian.
PSYCHOPATHISTSpsychopathists n. Plural of psychopathist.
PSYCHOPATHIST n. a student of psychopathology.
TACHYGRAPHISTStachygraphists n. Plural of tachygraphist.
TRICHOPHYTOSEStrichophytoses n. Plural of trichophytosis.
TRICHOPHYTOSIS n. ringworm caused by Trichophyton.
TRICHOPHYTOSIStrichophytosis n. Infection with Trichophyton fungus.
TRICHOPHYTOSIS n. ringworm caused by Trichophyton.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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