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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing H, N, 2P, 2S and T

DEIPNOSOPHISTdeipnosophist n. A master of the art of dining, particularly learned conversation in the manner of Athenaeus’s characters.
DEIPNOSOPHIST n. a person skilled in dinner conversation.
HAPPENSTANCEShappenstances n. Plural of happenstance.
HAPPENSTANCE n. a circumstance esp. that is due to chance, also HAPPENCHANCE.
INSPECTORSHIPinspectorship n. The condition of being an inspector; the office of an inspector.
INSPECTORSHIP n. the office of inspector.
NONPHOSPHATESnonphosphates n. Plural of nonphosphate.
PANPSYCHISTICpanpsychistic adj. Relating to panpsychism.
PANPSYCHISTIC adj. relating to panpsychism, the theory that all nature has a psychic side.
PANTOPHAGISTSpantophagists n. Plural of pantophagist.
PANTOPHAGIST n. an omnivore.
PARTISANSHIPSpartisanships n. Plural of partisanship.
PARTISANSHIP n. being a partisan, also PARTIZANSHIP.
PARTIZANSHIPSpartizanships n. Plural of partizanship.
PARTIZANSHIP n. being a partizan, also PARTISANSHIP.
PHOSPHATISINGphosphatising v. Present participle of phosphatise.
PHOSPHATISE v. to phosphate, also PHOSPHATIZE.
POSTULANTSHIPPOSTULANTSHIP n. the office of postulant.
PRENTICESHIPSprenticeships n. Plural of prenticeship.
PRENTICESHIP n. the office of prentice.
PRESIDENTSHIPpresidentship n. The office and dignity of president; presidency.
PRESIDENTSHIP n. the office of president.
SPORTSMANSHIPsportsmanship n. The good attitude/behaviour displayed by players of a game; fairness, determination, magnanimity, courtesy…
sportsmanship n. The behaviour exhibited in playing sports, either good or bad.
SPORTSMANSHIP n. conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport.
TELESHOPPINGSTELESHOPPING n. buying goods by telephone or the Internet.
TRANSHIPPINGStranshippings n. Plural of transhipping.
TRANSHIPPING n. transfer from one ship to another.
TRANSSHIPPERStransshippers n. Plural of transshipper.
TRANSSHIPPER n. one who transships, also TRANSHIPPER.
TRANSSHIPPINGtransshipping v. Present participle of transship.
transshipping n. The transfer of goods from one vessel or conveyance to another for onward shipment.
trans-shipping v. Present participle of trans-ship.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 53 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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