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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing H, 2M, N, O and 2S

ADMONISHMENTSadmonishments n. Plural of admonishment.
ADMONISHMENT n. a firm rebuke.
DEMOLISHMENTSdemolishments n. Plural of demolishment.
DEMOLISHMENT n. the act of demolishing.
ENDOMORPHISMSendomorphisms n. Plural of endomorphism.
ENDOMORPHISM n. metamorphism of cooling igneous rock; mapping a set into itself.
ENDOTHERMISMSENDOTHERMISM n. the formation of a chemical compound with the absorption of heat.
GENTILSHOMMESGENTILHOMME n. (French) a nobleman, a gentleman.
HARMONIUMISTSharmoniumists n. Plural of harmoniumist.
HARMONIUMIST n. one who plays the harmonium.
HUMORSOMENESShumorsomeness n. (Dated) The quality of being humorsome.
HUMORSOMENESS n. the state of being humorsome.
MESOGNATHISMSMESOGNATHISM n. the state of having slightly projecting jaws, also MESOGNATHY.
METACHRONISMSmetachronisms n. Plural of metachronism.
METACHRONISM n. an error of dating an event too late.
MONOCHROMISTSmonochromists n. Plural of monochromist.
MONOCHROMIST n. a person who practises monochrome.
MONOMORPHISMSmonomorphisms n. Plural of monomorphism.
MONOMORPHISM n. existence in one form only.
MONOPHYSITISMmonophysitism n. (Christianity) A Christological doctrine, generally considered heterodox or heretical, holding that…
monophysitism n. (Christianity, sometimes derogatory) The beliefs and practices of the Oriental Orthodox Church.
MONOPHYSITISM n. belief that Christ was primarily divine but in human form.
MONORCHIDISMSMONORCHIDISM n. the state of being monorchid, having one testicle, also MONORCHISM.
OMBUDSMANSHIPombudsmanship n. The position or office of an ombudsman.
OMBUDSMANSHIP n. the office of ombudsman.
SEMIMONTHLIESsemimonthlies n. Plural of semimonthly.
SEMIMONTHLY n. a periodical appearing twice a month.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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