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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing H, I, O, R, 2S and W

AIRWORTHINESSairworthiness n. The state of being airworthy.
AIRWORTHINESS n. the quality of being airworthy.
AUTORICKSHAWSautorickshaws n. Plural of autorickshaw.
AUTORICKSHAW n. a light, three-wheeled vehicle powered by a motorcycle engine, used in India, etc.
DISWORSHIPINGDISWORSHIP v. (Milton) to refuse to worship.
DISWORSHIPPEDdisworshipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of disworship.
DISWORSHIP v. (Milton) to refuse to worship.
DOWNRIGHTNESSdownrightness n. The personal quality of being straightforward and direct in one’s manner.
DOWNRIGHT n. plainspoken, blunt.
FOLLOWERSHIPSfollowerships n. Plural of followership.
FOLLOWERSHIP n. being a follower.
GROWTHINESSESGROWTHINESS n. the state of being growthy, very fast in growing.
HORSEWHIPPERShorsewhippers n. Plural of horsewhipper.
HORSEWHIPPER n. one who uses a horsewhip.
HOUSEWARMINGShousewarmings n. Plural of housewarming.
house-warmings n. Plural of house-warming.
house␣warmings n. Plural of house warming.
HOUSEWIFERIEShousewiferies n. Plural of housewifery.
HOUSEWIFERY n. the work of a housewife.
MICROSWITCHESmicroswitches n. Plural of microswitch.
MICROSWITCH n. a very small switch that is sensitive to minute motions and is used esp. in automatic devices.
MISWORSHIPPEDmisworshipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of misworship.
MISWORSHIP v. to worship in a false way.
NEWSWORTHIESTnewsworthiest adj. Superlative form of newsworthy: most newsworthy.
NEWSWORTHY adj. interesting enough to the general public to warrant reporting.
SEAWORTHINESSseaworthiness n. (Nautical) The property of a watercraft that makes it fit to go to sea.
SEAWORTHINESS n. the state of being seaworthy.
SHOWERINESSESSHOWERINESS n. the state of being showery.
SUNWORSHIPPERsun-worshipper n. Alternative form of sun worshipper.
sun␣worshipper n. (Literally) One who reveres the sun as a deity.
sun␣worshipper n. (Idiomatic) A person who enjoys exposure to sunlight; an avid sunbather.
SWORDSMANSHIPswordsmanship n. The skill of using a sword.
SWORDSMANSHIP n. the skills of the swordsman.
WHOREMISTRESSwhoremistress n. (Derogatory) A woman who runs a brothel, or hires out prostitutes; a madam.
WHOREMISTRESS n. (archaic) a woman who runs a brothel.
WHORISHNESSESWHORISHNESS n. the behaviour of a whore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 96 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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