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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing H, 2L, O, R, S and T

CHLOROPLASTSchloroplasts n. Plural of chloroplast.
CHLOROPLAST n. a plastid that contains chlorophyll and is the site of photosynthesis.
CHOLESTEROLScholesterols n. Plural of cholesterol.
CHOLESTEROL n. a sterol occurring in all body cells and involved in the transport of fats through the bloodstream.
ELECTROCLASHelectroclash n. A music style fusing dance music, punk and electronic.
ELECTROCLASH n. a type of electronic music.
FOTHERGILLASFOTHERGILLA n. any plant of the Fothergilla genus of North American deciduous shrubs of the witch-hazel family.
HELIOLATRIESheliolatries n. Plural of heliolatry.
HELIOLATRY n. sun worship.
HELIOLATROUSheliolatrous adj. Worshipping the Sun.
HELIOLATROUS adj. relating to heliolatry.
HISTORICALLYhistorically adv. In a historic manner; with reference to history or the historical record.
historically adv. According to history: formerly, in the past, traditionally.
historically adv. To an unprecedented or extremely rare degree.
HOSPITALLERShospitallers n. Plural of hospitaller.
HOSPITALLER n. a member of a charitable brotherhood for the care of the sick in hospitals, also HOSPITALER.
ISOTHERMALLYisothermally adv. In an isothermal manner; at constant temperature.
ISOTHERMAL adv. having an equal average temperature.
LITHOLATROUSlitholatrous adj. Stone-worshipping.
LITHOLATROUS adj. engaging in litholatry, the worship of stones.
ORCHESTRALLYorchestrally adv. In an orchestral manner.
ORCHESTRAL adv. relating to or composed for an orchestra, also ORCHESTRIC.
PROTHALLUSESprothalluses n. Plural of prothallus.
PROTHALLUS n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLIUM.
SCHOLARLIESTSCHOLARLY adj. learned, like a scholar.
STALLHOLDERSstallholders n. Plural of stallholder.
STALLHOLDER n. one who manages a stall at which articles are sold.
STRANGLEHOLDstranglehold n. A grip or control so strong as to stifle or cut off.
stranglehold v. To hold a tight grip or control.
STRANGLEHOLD n. an illegal wrestling hold by which one's opponent is choked.
TITLEHOLDERStitleholders n. Plural of titleholder.
TITLEHOLDER n. one that holds a title.
TROPHALLAXEStrophallaxes n. Plural of trophallaxis.
TROPHALLAXIS n. mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.
TROPHALLAXIStrophallaxis n. (Biology) The mutual exchange of (fluid) food between individuals, especially in social insects.
TROPHALLAXIS n. mutual exchange of nutriment in symbiosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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