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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing H, 3O, R and 2S

CHROMOSOMESchromosomes n. Plural of chromosome.
CHROMOSOME n. a threadlike body containing the genetic material in the cell nucleus.
HOMOSPORIESHOMOSPORY n. having spores all of one kind.
HOMOSPOROUShomosporous adj. (Botany) producing spores of the same size and type.
HOMOSPOROUS adj. producing only one size or kind of spore, as opposed to heterosporous.
HOROLOGISTShorologists n. Plural of horologist.
HOROLOGIST n. one versed in horology.
HOROSCOPIESHOROSCOPY n. the art or practice of casting horoscopes.
HOROSCOPISThoroscopist n. One versed in horoscopy; an astrologer.
HOROSCOPIST n. one who casts horoscopes, an astrologer.
HORRISONOUShorrisonous adj. (Obsolete) Sounding dreadfully; uttering a terrible sound.
HORRISONOUS adj. (archaic) dreadful-sounding, also HORRISONANT.
ISOCHRONOUSisochronous adj. Happening at regular intervals; isochronal.
isochronous adj. Happening at the same time; simultaneous.
isochronous adj. (Computing) Of or pertaining to the use of clocks derived from the same clock reference.
ISOMORPHOUSisomorphous adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting isomorphism.
ISOMORPHOUS adj. similar in form.
ORTHOSCOPESorthoscopes n. Plural of orthoscope.
ORTHOSCOPE n. a nineteenth century instrument for viewing the fundus of the eye through a layer of water, which eliminates distortion caused by the cornea.
PERSONHOODSpersonhoods n. Plural of personhood.
PERSONHOOD n. being a person.
PHOSPHOROUSphosphorous adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to phosphorus.
phosphorous adj. Resembling phosphorus.
phosphorous adj. (Chemistry) Of relating to or containing trivalent phosphorus.
PHOTOSENSORphotosensor n. A photodetector.
PHOTOSENSOR n. a detector that is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.
SCHOOLROOMSschoolrooms n. Plural of schoolroom.
SCHOOLROOM n. a classroom.
SCHOOLWORKSSCHOOLWORK n. lessons done in class or assigned to be done at home.
SMOOTHBORESsmoothbores n. Plural of smoothbore.
SMOOTHBORE n. a gun with a smooth bore.
SPOROPHORESsporophores n. Plural of sporophore.
SPOROPHORE n. a spore-bearing stalk or structure, as in fungi.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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