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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing H, L, 3O, R and T

CHOROLOGISTchorologist n. One who studies chorology.
CHOROLOGIST n. a student of chorology.
DROOLWORTHYdroolworthy adj. (Slang) Highly physically attractive or otherwise desirable.
DROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
FLOORCLOTHSfloorcloths n. Plural of floorcloth.
FLOORCLOTH n. a usually decorated heavy cloth (as of canvas) used for a floor covering.
HOROLOGISTShorologists n. Plural of horologist.
HOROLOGIST n. one versed in horology.
NOTOCHORDALnotochordal adj. Of or pertaining to the notochord.
NOTOCHORDAL adj. relating to the notochord, a backbone-like series of cells in the lowest vertebrates.
OLIGOTROPHYoligotrophy n. (Geography, a body of water) the quality of having a low level of nutrients and minerals.
OLIGOTROPHY n. the state of being oligotrophic.
ORNITHOLOGYornithology n. The branch of zoology that deals with the scientific study of birds.
ORNITHOLOGY n. the study of birds.
ORTHONORMALorthonormal adj. (Mathematics) Of a set of vectors, both orthogonal and normalized.
orthonormal adj. (Mathematics) Of a linear transformation that preserves both angles and lengths.
ORTHONORMAL adj. orthogonal with the integral of the square of each function over a specified interval equal to one.
PROTOPHLOEMprotophloem n. The form of phloem that is initially formed, composed of narrow, thin-walled cells.
PROTOPHLOEM n. the first-formed phloem that develops from procambium, usually associated with a region of rapid growth.
TOCOPHEROLStocopherols n. Plural of tocopherol.
TOCOPHEROL n. vitamin E, found in wheatgerm, egg yolk etc.
TODDLERHOODtoddlerhood n. (Countable) The period of one’s life in which one is a toddler (“a young child who has started walking…
toddlerhood n. (Uncountable) The state of being a toddler.
TODDLERHOOD n. the state of being a toddler.
TOOLHOLDERStoolholders n. Plural of toolholder.
TOOLHOLDER n. a holder for tools.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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