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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 7 eleven-letter words containing H, L, 3O and 2R

CHLOROFORMSchloroforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chloroform.
CHLOROFORM v. to treat with or as if with the colourless volatile liquid chloroform esp. so as to produce anesthesia.
CHRONOLOGERchronologer n. A chronologist.
CHRONOLOGER n. an expert in chronology, also CHRONOLOGIST.
DROOLWORTHYdroolworthy adj. (Slang) Highly physically attractive or otherwise desirable.
DROOLWORTHY adj. inspiring or likely to inspire excessive enthusiasm or pleasure; extremely attractive or desirable.
FLUOROPHOREfluorophore n. (Biochemistry) A molecule or functional group which is capable of fluorescence.
FLUOROPHORE n. a chemical group responsible for fluorescence.
GONORRHOEALgonorrhoeal adj. Alternative spelling of gonorrheal.
gonorrhœal adj. Obsolete form of gonorrheal.
LOGORRHOEASLOGORRHOEA n. uncontrollable garrulity.
ORTHONORMALorthonormal adj. (Mathematics) Of a set of vectors, both orthogonal and normalized.
orthonormal adj. (Mathematics) Of a linear transformation that preserves both angles and lengths.
ORTHONORMAL adj. orthogonal with the integral of the square of each function over a specified interval equal to one.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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