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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing H, I, 2L, 2S and T

ALLOTHEISMSALLOTHEISM n. belief in or worship of strange gods.
CHOIRSTALLSchoirstalls n. Plural of choirstall.
CHOIRSTALL n. one of the benches for the choir of a church, cathedral, etc.
DELIGHTLESSdelightless adj. Void of delight.
DELIGHTLESS adj. giving no delight.
FAITHLESSLYfaithlessly adv. In a faithless manner.
FAITHLESS adv. without faith.
FLASHLIGHTSflashlights n. Plural of flashlight.
FLASHLIGHT n. a sudden bright artificial light used in taking photographic pictures.
HALLOYSITEShalloysites n. Plural of halloysite.
HALLOYSITE n. a claylike mineral, a hydrated aluminium silicate.
HOSTELLINGSHOSTELLING n. the act of staying overnight in hostels when travelling, also HOSTELING.
LITHOCLASTSlithoclasts n. Plural of lithoclast.
LITHOCLAST n. a stone breaker; a tool for breaking rocks.
LOATHLINESSloathliness n. The state or condition of being loathly; hideousness.
LOATHLINESS n. the state of being loathly.
MIRTHLESSLYmirthlessly adv. In a mirthless manner; sadly.
MIRTHLESS adv. without mirth.
PHALLICISTSphallicists n. Plural of phallicist.
PHALLICIST n. one who practises phallicism, worship of the phallus.
SEMILETHALSsemilethals n. Plural of semilethal.
SEMILETHAL n. a mutation that tends to be lethal but is not always.
SHEATHBILLSsheathbills n. Plural of sheathbill.
SHEATHBILL n. either of two Antarctic seabirds having a white plumage and a horny sheath at the base of the bill.
SHIFTLESSLYshiftlessly adv. In a shiftless manner.
SHIFTLESS adv. feckless.
SIGHTLESSLYsightlessly adv. In a sightless manner; blindly.
SIGHTLESS adv. blind.
STILLBIRTHSstillbirths n. Plural of stillbirth.
still-births n. Plural of still-birth.
STILLBIRTH n. the birth of a dead fetus.
STILLHOUSESstillhouses n. Plural of stillhouse.
STILLHOUSE n. (US) a distillery.
TELLERSHIPStellerships n. Plural of tellership.
TELLERSHIP n. the office or employment of a teller.
UNSTYLISHLYunstylishly adv. In an unstylish manner; unfashionably.
WHIRLBLASTSwhirlblasts n. Plural of whirlblast.
WHIRLBLAST n. a whirling blast of wind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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