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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing H, 2I, L, 2R and T

FIRELIGHTERfirelighter n. Small block of flammable substance, typically sawdust and wax combined, used to light fires.
FIRELIGHTER n. a piece of readily flammable material or other means of lighting a fire.
HORRIPILANTHORRIPILANT adj. causing horripilation, the erection of the hair of the head or body from fear or cold.
HORRIPILATEhorripilate v. (Transitive, intransitive) To bristle in fear or horror; to have goose bumps or goose pimples.
HORRIPILATE v. to produce the erection of hairs on the head or body.
LITHOTRITORlithotritor n. Alternative form of lithotripter.
LITHOTRITOR n. a device that crushes stones in the bladder, also LITHONTRIPTOR, LITHOTRIPTER, LITHOTRIPTOR, LITHOTRITE.
RETROPHILIAretrophilia n. The attraction to and preference for that which is from or characteristic of the past.
RETROPHILIA n. love of things of the past.
SPRIGHTLIERsprightlier adj. Comparative form of sprightly: more sprightly.
SPRIGHTLY adj. lively, also SPRITELY.
TRIBRACHIALTRIBRACHIAL adj. of or like a tribrach, also TRIBRACHIC.
TRICHLORIDEtrichloride n. (Chemistry) any chloride containing three chlorine atoms in each molecule.
TRICHLORIDE n. any compound that contains three chlorine atoms per molecule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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