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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing 2H, I, P, R, S and T

ATHWARTSHIPathwartship adj. (Nautical) Oriented across the vessel sideways, i.e. in a direction at right angles to the fore-and-aft…
athwartship adv. Alternative form of athwartships.
ATHWARTSHIP adv. transverse to a ship, also ATHWARTSHIPS, THWARTSHIP.
AUTHORSHIPSauthorships n. Plural of authorship.
AUTHORSHIP n. the profession of writing.
DIPHTHERIASdiphtherias n. Plural of diphtheria.
DIPHTHERIA n. an infectious throat disease in which the air-passages become covered with a leathery membrane.
FATHERSHIPSfatherships n. Plural of fathership.
FATHERSHIP n. the state of being a father.
HECTORSHIPSHECTORSHIP n. blustering, bullying.
HEPTARCHIESheptarchies n. Plural of heptarchy.
HEPTARCHY n. government by seven persons; a group of seven allied but independent kingdoms, esp. of Anglo-Saxon England.
HEPTARCHISTheptarchist n. A ruler of one division of a heptarchy.
HEPTARCHIST n. a ruler in a heptarchy.
HETEROPHILSheterophils n. Plural of heterophil.
HETEROPHIL n. a polymorphonuclear leukocyte in humans that may be stained with dyes, also HETEROPHILE.
HIEROPHANTShierophants n. Plural of hierophant.
HIEROPHANT n. one who shows or reveals sacred things; a priest.
LITHOGRAPHSlithographs n. Plural of lithograph.
lithographs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lithograph.
LITHOGRAPH v. to produce by lithography.
LITHOSPHERElithosphere n. (Geology) The rigid, mechanically strong, outer layer of the Earth; divided into twelve major plates.
LITHOSPHERE n. the solid outer portion of the Earth consisting of the crust and upper mantle, approximately 100 km (62 miles) thick.
PHOSPHORITEphosphorite n. (Mineralogy) a sedimentary rock rich in phosphate minerals such as apatite.
PHOSPHORITE n. fibrous apatite.
PHTHIRIASESphthiriases n. Plural of phthiriasis.
PHTHIRIASIS n. infestation with lice.
PHTHIRIASISphthiriasis n. (Medicine) An infestation with crab lice.
phthiriasis n. A pediculosis.
PHTHIRIASIS n. infestation with lice.
PROPHETSHIPprophetship n. The property or state of being a prophet.
PROPHETSHIP n. the office of prophet.
SHIPWRIGHTSshipwrights n. Plural of shipwright.
SHIPWRIGHT n. a carpenter skilled in ship construction and repair.
TEACHERSHIPteachership n. The position or role of a teacher.
TEACHERSHIP n. the office of teacher.
THERMOPHILSTHERMOPHIL n. a bacteria, plant etc. requiring or thriving in high temperatures, also THERMOPHILE, THERMOPHILIC, THERMOPHILOUS.
THWARTSHIPSthwartships adv. Alternative form of athwartships.
TRIPHTHONGStriphthongs n. Plural of triphthong.
TRIPHTHONG n. three vowel sounds pronounced as one.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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